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Douma carried me out of the bathroom bridal style after we dried off. He brought me over to his  lavish western style bed, that had more than enough room for the both of us. It amused me that a demon who didn't need sleep had such a lovely bed, but that was just how he was.

He set me down softly, and then made his way onto the bed next to me, both of us still completely unclothed. He lifted the plush blanket that covered the bed over me, wrapping me in it, and then wrapping his own arm around me, holding me close.

"So, you got to see your family?" Douma asked me innocently.

Now that I had full trust in him, I didn't mind divulging parts of my life I once kept secret. He had an ample amount of humans to devour, so I knew he wouldn't touch my family.

"Yeah, I did...I really needed that, and they did too, especially my little brother." I explained to him.

"Ah, you have siblings?" He asked as he cocked an eyebrow.

"Yes, 4 actually. Two brothers and two sisters. We were all very close. I was quite older than all of them, so I took care of them a lot." I told him. It felt weird giving him so much detail about my life. For the longest time, I didn't want to trust him, but it felt nice being able to tell him what my human life was like.

"Is that why you're so caring?" He said lovingly, as he gently tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

His question made me blush, and even though I didn't know how to answer, it filled my heart with happiness. Even if Douma struggled to understand emotion, he saw me for who I wanted to be: someone who simply wants to help others.

"I-i don't know." I stammered, honestly not knowing how to respond to him.

He giggled at my bashfulness and changed the subject.

"So, will you stay here with me?"

He continued to make me blush, and I wondered if his feelings towards me would always be this way. I had no problem staying at the Cult, the cabin got lonely anyways.

"Of course! You won't get sick of me?" I kind of joked.

"Never! I have never felt like this around anyone before. It's good to feel something real for once..." He trailed off, his eyes looked empty again, as if he was fighting an internal battle with himself.

"Did you have any siblings?" I asked Douma, instantly regretting it.

"Not that I can remember." He said in his usual voice.

"Sorry I shouldn't have asked..." I said, not looking into his eyes. His past was so tragic, and he seemed to not even know.

"No need to apologize! It's fine!" He said happily. He continued to twiddle a strand of my hair between his nails that were now long and sharp again.

It was silent between us for a while, so I closed my eyes, exhausted from everything that had happened that night. Surely the sun had come out by now, and it was nice being inside a building, in a warm bed, rather than that creaky hard cabin.

My eyes shot open, when Douma broke the silence.

"There's something about your blood, (Y/N)..." He started, as I gave him a confused look.

He moved his hand to my face, softly caressing it as I waited for him to continue, his smile never leaving his face.

"Your beauty, your compassion, everything runs through your blood, and when I bite you, it has an effect on me." He explained.

𝙒𝙞𝙩𝙝  𝙔𝙤𝙪, 𝙄𝙩'𝙨  𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙡 | Douma x Demon ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now