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My heart pounded in my chest as sweat began to bead on my forehead. I didn't know if it was from the fear and adrenaline coursing through me, or if it was the pill taking an affect. Surely it would give me more time than this, but each minute in here passed by like hours, disrupting my perception of time.

"I wasn't quite ready to consume you yet, since all the preparations haven't been made, and my other lowly subordinates couldn't be here, but since you can't cooperate, today is your lucky day..." Muzan said with zero emotion.

I gulped. I wanted to say something smart, but I also wanted to prolong my execution as much as I could, so keeping quiet was the best option at the moment.

"Douma, if she tries anything, you will be the one to end her."

"Your wish is my command!" Douma said, childishly.

"We can always find another bitch like her eventually. Or, you three should devote yourselves further to me, and find the Blue Spider Lily, if this doesn't work." Muzan spat.

I couldn't believe how perfect this was. Douma wouldn't kill me, and I knew Muzan was bluffing. He would've already conquered the world if finding someone like me was so easy. And Douma had never mentioned anything about a Blue Spider Lily.

But little did he know, we were two steps ahead.

I felt the chains around my wrists and ankles growing extremely cold, causing the metal to go brittle for me to easily break out of them, thanks to Douma.

Muzan got so close to my face, I could feel his breath.

"I guess it's time to see just how horrible you taste-" He almost finished saying before his eyes widened.

"Your faint demonic gone..." He said fearfully as he took a desperate sniff.

I began to laugh, his fear now humoring me. I thought about all the times this man made me uneasy, how he actually altered my world in ways one could only imagine, how he was about to use me to bring this world to it's knees. And now I, had the pleasure of watching it all collapse before him.

Even though, little by little, the demon within me was deteriorating, I still had control over the power I still possessed. I instantly grew out my sharp nails and tore through the chains that bound me, slashing Muzan in the face. Never in my life did I ever think I'd manage to land a blow, but I did.

Akaza and Kokushibo both lept from either direction and came barreling at me, but Douma snatched me away just in time, causing them to both land on each other.

I quickly looked down at my hands and legs, deep bruises covering my limbs where the tight chains were, but the color of my skin before I had turned was coming back. I desperately looked at Douma, who noticed too, and got ready to counter attack any Blood demon art that came our way.

"Rime Water Lily Bodhisattva!" Douma yelled out as a giant sculpture made of ice formed in front of us, protecting us from the combined attacks of both Akaza and Kokushibo. I was in awe at the power that Douma truly held, but this was no time to get distracted.

"Where's Yushiro!?" I said to Douma as he studied the two other demons forcing their way through the Bodhisattva. I looked up at the Biwa woman, the talisman still on her, with no one seeming to noticed except Douma and I.

Fear filled my thoughts at the idea of something happening to Yushiro before he could complete his part. He was essential, and without him, Douma and I were screwed.

Muzan was frozen in the same spot we left him in, yet I could feel just how feral and chaotic his aura was.

But I was snapped out of my thoughts when Kokushibo brought down Douma's defense. The both came at us as I released my thick Amnesic fog, as Douma created his small ice sculptures. They fought the two demons as Douma dragged me away from them, fearing that I would no longer be able to heal myself. I tried to turn on my Ocular luck, so that I could sense Akaza or Kokushibo before I could see them, but it was no use. My vision was now growing blurry, just like it was when I was human.

That's when Muzan came for us, but before he could lay a finger on either me or Douma, Yushiro's voice echoed through the Infinity Castle.

Muzan's attention automatically turned to Nakime, his expression terrified at the fact that he had been fooled this whole time, and didn't even notice.

"You lost this time." Yushiro said to the Demon King.

"Let this place fall." Yushiro ordered Nakime.

But just as she struck her instrument, Akaza came barreling towards me, grabbing onto my shoulder, tearing me out of Douma's grasp. I felt the bones in my collarbone shatter as the building we were in crumbled into pieces.

It all seemed to move in slow motion, as I felt Akaza's hands gripping onto me. My body didn't feel like it could regenerate, and I had lost sight of Douma in all the disarray.

But just as I had lost hope, I felt multiple ice cold hands all over my body, tearing me away from the warm grasp of Akaza, and pulling me out of the rubble.

My vision was spotty from the horrible pain I was in. I had cuts and gashes all over me, and my bones were broken, but I was now in Douma's arms again. He took off running, faster that I had ever gone before.

"Stay awake, (Y/N)!" He yelled frantically as he held me close. But I felt myself passing out. I could sense my body trying to heal itself deep inside, but my injuries were too severe. My almost human body couldn't keep up.

"Is she alive!!?" I heard a woman yell. It was Tamayo.

"Barely..." Douma said. I was amazed she could even keep up.

"The sun will be out soon! We need to get her wounds wrapped, and we need to turn you too, Douma!" Tamayo yelled frantically.

"But where?" I barely heard, yet I knew it was Yushiro. I was thankful he made it out of there safe.

I forced my eyes open, with the last little bit of strength I had left.

"Douma..." I said, trying to get his attention. He looked down, surprised and relieved I was speaking.

"The cabin..."

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i hope yall enjoyed! i do suck at writing fighting scenes so sorry this wasn't as elaborate.

thank you for reading and for all the love! this story grew 50k reads in less than 2 months and it couldn't make me more grateful! i appreciate all the love ♡


𝙒𝙞𝙩𝙝  𝙔𝙤𝙪, 𝙄𝙩'𝙨  𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙡 | Douma x Demon ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now