Midnight Wedding

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After Douma and I had our heart to heart, we put our heads together to think about what we could do about my potential ability. Even though being able to walk through the sun sounded nice, it meant I'd be a pawn in that man's game, and a benefit to him was the last thing I ever wanted to be.

"When the sun comes up we can check. Just barley stick your hand out, and if it burns, quickly move it! Eventually it'll heal up!" Douma explained in his usual voice.

"Also, you must perfect some defensive abilities, (Y/N)! I'm not worried about Lord Kokushibo harming you, but Akaza or Muzan might try something. After all, they know you're here."

"Douma...who are those people?" I asked confused, and slightly scared. First I had to worry about demon slayers, and now these other demons that I thought should be allies were in the mix too.

"Ah! Kokushibo is Upper Moon One, and Akaza is Upper Moon Three! And you know who Muzan is..." He said, averting his eyes uncomfortably when he spoke the Demon Lord's name.

"I see.." I mumbled as Douma reached for my hands, softly wrapping them up in his large ones.

"Akaza has been talking about surpassing me in the ranks, and he thinks that because you are now in my life, that I am weaker. But little does he know, you make me stronger." Douma's eyes twinkled as he spoke, and my heart fluttered with love. I hoped the incident that had happened hours before had brought us closer together. Yet I continued to have a worried look on my face.

"The bright side is, Akaza doesn't hurt women," Douma reassured me. "but that doesn't mean he won't capture you and take you to Muzan; therefore, you must be careful."

I gulped, and slightly nodded. Even though I was a demon, I knew I was weak, especially around all of these Upper Moons. I had added some defensive attacks to my list, yet I felt like they were nothing compared to Douma's. I didn't care about being part of the 12 let alone being a strong demon, but the last thing I wanted was to run into trouble.

"Do you think there's a chance Muzan is wrong?" I asked Douma.

Yet he didn't answer me, he only stared at me petrified.

Moments later is when I realized what I did wrong.

I said his name.

But nothing happened to me. We sat there in silence, wondering what this meant, and why I was the way I was.

"You..broke the...curse...but how?" Douma said, his eyes glassier than ever.

I was confused too. I had done nothing to do this. I had done absolutely nothing.

"Does this mean...?" I started, my heart pounding in my chest as I looked at Douma. All I wanted was to stay here with him and continue to lead by his side. I had finally grown accustom to the new life I was living, and now it was being threatened.

"I must know." I said as I stood up and made my way out of our bedroom. I rushed to the front doors of the cult, Douma's servant once again chasing after me. Douma eventually caught up to me as I opened the doors. He stayed back, knowing he was no match for the sun.

As I looked out on to the bright rays beaming from the morning light, I stuck my hand out into a beam, for my hand to only be singed instantly.

I quickly pulled it out and stumbled backward, utterly confused. I was confident the sun wouldn't affect me, yet it did. I was relieved though. This meant I was of no use to Muzan yet, so he must continue to look elsewhere for a demon capable of conquering the daylight.

𝙒𝙞𝙩𝙝  𝙔𝙤𝙪, 𝙄𝙩'𝙨  𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙡 | Douma x Demon ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now