Douma's POV

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-this part will be narrated in third person! i believe the proper name is third person omniscient but it's been a while since i've taken an english class so😅🤷‍♀️ i want to show the change in Douma's character and i don't want him to explain it. just imagine a typical narrator voice if you want lololol

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As Douma made it back to his residence, The Eternal Paradise Cult, he thought of (Y/N) the whole time, and how much he didn't want to leave her. He felt something in her, something he had never felt in another being before, neither human nor demon. He felt something different in himself too, something he didn't know how to explain.

Even though he felt these feelings, he didn't know how to process them. His heart fluttered, his mind raced yet his unconscious prohibited from understanding any of it, protecting him from anymore abuse.

When he got back to his dominion, his followers awaited him, yet internally he was unamused, which was very unlike him. He was a master at faking his feelings, yet this time, he was actually concealing emotions he'd never felt before. He put on a fake smile for his followers, as he always did, and went about his duties with (Y/N) on his mind the whole time.

Halfway through consuming some of his followers, it hit him. He was biting into (Y/N) in a seductive way and consuming her blood. He wondered if her blood was strong enough to affect him like his affected her. He had seen acts of mercy before and he never wavered. But he wondered if it was the combination of her blood and seeing her be so gentle towards those dying humans, that gave him those new, loving feelings.

The workers at the Eternal Paradise Cult noticed a change in him too. He would normal greet them with smiles, and even though he didn't care about any of them, he still acknowledged them. The day he came back, and (Y/N) wasn't by his side, he moped around as if he was a bored little kid and didn't speak to anyone. Although, he did tell the workers to expect (Y/N) to show up within the next couple of nights, and to bring them right to his room whenever she arrived, but that was all.

He thought about asking someone, but he didn't know who. None of the upper moons seemed to ever want to talk to him, and his servants were always too scared to say more than a couple of words to him. He could try to express himself to (Y/N), but he really didn't even know where to begin. He thought maybe his best bet was to simply ask one of his female followers before he killed her.

He summoned one later that afternoon, and brought her into one of the worship rooms. She was giddy. The master had summoned her, and she thought that it was because he liked her. He sat her down and simply explained how he felt.

"So, when I'm around this person, I feel happy! I genuinely feel happy..." He began, but then trailed off, getting lost in a thought.

The young woman was confused, but still believed Douma was talking about her.

"So that means your happy now?" She said in a flirty voice, reaching a hand out to touch his leg.

"No, I don't know what I feel right now!" He said, still in his happy-go-lucky voice, swatting her hand away. She was mortified. She had just made a move on the handsome Cult leader, and he instantly denied her. But he continued to explain, unbothered by her embarrassment.

"I've never once cared for anyone in my life except now! It's hard to explain and to be honest I don't know what I'm feeling, but I miss her." He pouted. "What is this?" He asked.

"Um...I don't know!!" The female said, concealing the truth, hoping that eventually she could get Douma to feel that way about her.

"You're lying..." Douma noticed. "You're a bad liar! Just tell me what your hiding!"

She was stunned. How did he know she was masking the truth? She took a deep breath, trying to relax her nerves, and chose to tell the man the truth.

"It sounds like love to me..." She said with a jealous tone.

Douma's eyes widened at her words. "You're right! I'm falling in love with (Y/N)..."

He was once again lost in thought, while the human girl next to him boiled with anger, envious of whomever he was thinking about.

"Who even is this girl anyways? I think I would make a wonderful wife for you, Douma!" She begged, thinking she could change his mind.

"Hmm, you don't say my name the same way she does. Plus she's a demon, and so am I!" He giggled. 

Instantly, fear overcame her, unaware of the monster she was talking to. He took one of his ornate fans, and simply slashed her neck, killing her instantly.

He looked and the corpse with no emotion, "Thanks for the help!" he said, even though she was already dead.

He now knew what he was feeling was love, but what would he do about it? Tell (Y/N)? Keep it a secret? He didn't know, but he hoped he could figure something out before she got there.

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This was the first time Douma had ever had some sort of loving feeling towards anyone, besides himself. He didn't love his family, and his family never loved him. He felt nothing towards his followers, and the relationships he had with the upper moons were all fake.

But what he felt for (Y/N) was real.

More real than anything he had ever felt before.

But love was like a foreign language to him. He didn't know how to decipher it, and he didn't know how to express it either. It would be something that he'd have to learn. He was clever after all, so he planned to watch (Y/N) to learn and mimic what he'd have to do to make her feel love for him too.

He was determined. She would be his, forever.

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Short little chapter, but I wanted a Douma POV! I'll do a couple of these in between the normal chapters!  This was kind of hard to write, and if didn't come out exactly how I wanted it, so I might go through and change some stuff, but the chapter after this one is ready so I wanted to get this one up first!

Enjoy:) Have a good day/night!

𝙒𝙞𝙩𝙝  𝙔𝙤𝙪, 𝙄𝙩'𝙨  𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙡 | Douma x Demon ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now