Chapter 1 - Who are you?

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"Why me??" The tone of your voice was slightly raised towards Kathryne. She was the one continuously giving you mounds of commissions that you honestly were tired of doing.

Kathryne shrugs, "You're the one best suited. Plus everyone else is busy."

You give her a cold stare, eventually giving into her request, "Alright, fine."

"Great," Kathryne takes your slightly damaged map, marking a few locations, "These are the locations of just a few of the fallen meteorites. Your job is to gather information about them, why they're here, what they are, etc."

Though it was obvious you didn't want to be there and you had better things to do, you went along with it anyway. Like you always said, mora is mora.

Kathryne hands you your newly marked map, "Good luck, Y/N. Thank you again."

"It's what I'm here for," you reply, a somewhat sarcastic tone in your voice.

"Meteorites.. huh?" You begin to ponder, trying to think of any ideas as to why they'd be there. Most importantly, why any of it concerned the Adventurer's guild. You had plenty of friends in the guild that were undergoing more exciting missions, ones involving real combat, but you were stuck traveling all around Teyvat just because some rocks fell from the sky. You decided it would be best to make the most of it, after all you haven't been traveling lately, it would be a nice breath of fresh air.


You finally made it to the first location. Upon arriving, you immediately noticed the bright blue meteorite planted into the ground. It was quite beautiful, you thought. Kathryne mentioned not to get too close to it, as it caused whoever came in contact with it to fall into a deep slumber. Luckily you remembered that, or you would've definitely touched it.

Off in the distance you saw a man, and a short one at that. He wore exotic, unique clothing with a strange looking hat. You'd never seen anything like it before. Interested, you walk up to the man, who was next to the meteorite. Perhaps he was stuck researching them as well?

"Uh.. excuse me sir," you awkwardly say. You never were the best at talking to strangers, so first meetings were never pleasant.

The man turned to look at you. Immediately you were drawn to his beautiful blue eyes. His hair was a navy blue color with an.. interesting haircut to say the least. "Oh, pardon me." He smiled.

Still mesmerized by his unique appearance, you quickly snap out of it, "You got stuck researching these too?" You laugh awkwardly, desperately hoping he would go along with your failed attempt at small talk.

"It seems that way," he replied. It gave you a sense of relief, you would've felt weird if he had just ignored you. He looked over to you, "They're beautiful aren't they?"

The question startled you. You weren't expecting him to continue the small talk, "Oh, yeah they are! It's a shame they're too dangerous to touch.." you glance over at the sparkling meteorite.

The dark haired man kneeled down, probably to get a closer look at the meteorite, "If I may.. do you know how many of these there are?"

You shake your head, "Not exactly. I have the locations of a few of them, if you'd like to see!" You smile at him, hoping he doesn't think you're weird for being too nice.

He nods in approval as you take out your map. The two of you go over the locations, exchange information that you've gathered, and even threw in some small talk. Before you knew it, the sun was staring to set.

"Oh shoot, I'm really sorry for keeping you this long!" You say without hesitation.

"It's alright. You know, it's kind of refreshing, being able to talk to someone who has no idea who you are." He says.

You just stared at him. What were you supposed to say to that? What did he mean by "someone who has no idea who you are"?

"Well.. who are you then?"

He looks straight at you, "You could say I'm simply a traveler from Inazuma."

Aight this was the first chapter! This probably won't get that many readers but yknow what, I'm lowkey writing this for myself so I don't care if anyone reads it or not lmao

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