Chapter 8 - A Gesture

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《Your POV》

After the whole debacle with Aether, the two of you go up to the bright blue meteorite once again. It was staring to get tedious at this point. Not only that, but it was now very awkward, after all Scaramouche just snapped at you, which you've never really seen him do. (Shocking I know-)

Scaramouche gazed into the transparent looking crystal. He seemed upset, which you kind of figured. Yet you still didn't seem to know if it really was your fault.

He kneeled down, "It's the same as all the others. We aren't getting anywhere with this."

"I.. I have a friend in Liyue Harbor who is somewhat of a rock expert. I'm sure they'll be able to help." You offer, hoping he doesn't snap at you again.

Scaramouche sighed, "We'll try that. After all, we don't have many other leads to go by other than that snowy mountain."

You nodded as Scaramouche stood up, "After that we could always try Dragonspine."

He nodded then started walking away in the direction towards Liyue harbor. He really was upset at you. But why? Was it because you kept asking personal questions? You knew you shouldn't pry, but you were just so curious. He was such a mysterious guy, you wanted to know more. It's almost as if you were obsessed with whatever mystery he had going on. You just needed to know.


《Scaramouche's POV》

Scaramouche continued to walk ahead of Y/N at all times. He didn't want them seeing his face, which was showing all kinds of emotion. But the one emotion he continuously felt was confusion.

He was confused about the whole situation; why he did this in the first place, why he cared so much about whether or not Y/N knew his secret, or why he hasn't just told them the truth and left them by themselves.

It's true, he was a bit upset, but not at Y/N, no. They did nothing wrong. In fact, Scaramouche thought they were almost perfect. Y/N was kind to everyone, they had good input, plus they were extremely smart. He didn't want to admit it, but Y/N was someone Scaramouche could only dream to be.

He could admit this much about himself; he had a horrible personality, and he knew that. And quite frankly, he didn't care.

But Y/N was sweet and thoughtful. They helped nurse him back to health when he was sick, despite only knowing each other for 3 days.

At that moment, Scaramouche had that burning feeling again. The one he had before they got to the inn.

Scaramouche felt guilty.

Guilt was never something he ever felt. He had no empathy for anyone he ever did wrong. They were always seen as below him, that he was superior to them. Which in most cases, was true. He was given this divine power from the Tsaritsa, which gave him the authority to do whatever he wanted and boss around whoever he wanted.

He immediately knew he had tricked the wrong person. Y/N was strong, but they were also fragile. They were too trusting. If Scaramouche came clean now, it would give them everlasting trust issues and for some reason, Scaramouche felt bad about it.

He snapped back into reality, turning to Y/N, "We should probably stop for the night. The area ahead is too dangerous to travel in at night." It had been silent for so long that it almost startled Y/N.

They nodded in agreement, "I'll get a fire going then."


《Your POV》

The whole time you were walking it felt 10 times longer than usual. Maybe it was because none of you were talking. You assumed Scaramouche was mad at you, so you shut your mouth. You remembered what happened the first day you met. He defeated a whole Fatui camp all by himself, without any injuries. You shivered at the thought of having to see that side of him.

Scaramouche returned to your temporary camp with a few supplies. He was awfully good at making small camp sites in such a short amount of time, plus being able to erase any evidence of you ever being there. Maybe he just really liked camping?

You look up at the sky. It was beautiful as always. You always thought the Liyue sky was much clearer than Mondstadt's.

"Hey uhm," you started to say, looking at Scaramouche who was taking his large hat off, "I apologize for prying into your personal business.. I know I shouldn't have done that, and I'm sorry. I just got curious, you know? You never really give me many details about you. Which I understand but still."

He gave you a gentle look, way different than what he looked like the whole day, "Don't worry about it too much. It's not your fault, I just have a lot on my mind."

You sighed in relief, he didn't hate you after all. Laying down, you glance over at him, "Well, if you do want to talk about it, I'm here to listen."

Scaramouche looked away. You swore you could see him make a sad face, but perhaps you were seeing things. He didn't seem like the emotional type.

He decided to lay down as well, you both looking at the sky, "If I told you who I really am, you wouldn't trust me anymore."

"You're name really is Scaramouche right?" You asked.


"Then that's good enough for me." You told him, closing your eyes.

He looked over at you, almost shocked that you'd say those words. It made you wonder what he was expecting you to say.

Suddenly, you could hear rustling, then you felt a hand touch your head. You opened your eyes to see Scaramouche so close to you, moving a piece of your hair out of your face, "I guess I was wrong about you." He smiled, turning back around, "Goodnight, Y/N."

You paused for a moment, staring at the man's back.


So many thoughts were going through your head. What did he mean "he was wrong about you"? And you definitely didn't see that gesture coming. Was that his way of saying that he wasn't upset at you? That he trusted you?

Your cheeks turned a bit pink, just grateful that you've made up with Scaramouche. You smiled, and turned around to sleep as well.


This one was kinda cheesy but still cute I guess lol

I'm trying to upload a chapter everyday, if not I'll shoot for every other day since these chapters don't take that long to write!

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