Chapter 19 - Sweet Dreams

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《Your POV》

It was nice finally being able to have some peace and quiet for once. Your past two days were quite hectic. You felt like people were showing up at your door every 30 seconds, it's as if you were the main character in a book or something. The thought seemed crazy to you.

Anyway, with Scaramouche out running your errands, you had some time to research the Fatui, their origins, their archon, etc.

It had been about 2 hours since Scaramouche had left for the market, you honestly started to grow worried. Did he give up on the errands and ditch you? You wouldn't have been surprised if that was the case.

Suddenly, just as that thought left your mind, the door swung open again. You really had to remember to lock your door.

Scaramouche tiredly walked in, his arms full of bags, "Man, you Mondstadt folk are ruthless!" He placed all the bags on your table after closing the door with his leg, since both his hands were occupied.

"What happened..?" You asked, genuinely curious. You hoped he did something stupid so you could laugh at him.

Exhausted, he plopped down on the couch and closed his eyes, "First of all, everything is way overpriced. Second, apparently some people around here despise Fatui so much that they flat out refuse to serve us, I mean, the audacity! I wanted to end them right then and there. But then I remembered I could possibly be locked up forever if I did that, and I'd never get to see your cute face again!" He chuckled, even after basically confessing to you his plan to murder someone.

You were surprised, you'd never heard him say so much in one go. The thought of it made you smile a bit. Turning your chair around to face him, you placed your hands on your knees, "It must be hard being a harbinger, huh?"

Scaramouche shrugged, "I'm used to it. Plus, it's not as hard as you think when you can boss people around all day." He sighed, "Sure it sort of sucks to be shunned everywhere you go, but I guess that's just the small price to pay for all this power. Plus it's not like I care what people think."

You felt awkward having such a deep conversation, but you wanted to get to know the real him, his real thoughts, "And do you ever regret it..?"

He didn't actually answer that question. Maybe you went too far? Even if he didn't respond, you didn't want to pry any further. You were just grateful that he told you as much as he did.

He cleared his throat, obviously changing the subject, "I'll be staying here tonight by the way."

"Wh-" you were confused, "You can't just invite yourself to stay the night like that!"

Scaramouche winked at you, it wasn't really something you'd expect from him but he was full of surprises, "I know you're not against it and you would've said yes eventually. So I saw no point in even asking."

You look away in embarrassment. You hated to admit it, but he was right. You would've caved and allowed him to stay anyway. He really didn't want you to make the decisions for yourself did he? Talk about superiority complex.


Scaramouche got up and walked over to the slightly blurred window. The outside was only slightly visible, but not enough to see clearly. It had started to rain, not too much, but enough to want to stay inside. The sun was also going down, causing the blurred sky to be a beautiful pink color.

You wondered what he could possibly be looking at, after all, you could barely see anything through that window.

As you were deep in thought, you stood up and walked over to the table filled with the groceries Scaramouche had brought you, "Hey, do you know how to cook?"

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