Chapter 27 - Liyue... again

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(Back again! Sorry for not uploading ('°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) i started school again recently and I gotta say senior year isn't as relaxing as they say it is-)


"Excuse me," a faint voice could be heard from outside your thin tent. The bright light from the morning sun was piercing through your eyelids. You always found it hard to wake up in the morning, after all, you never really were a morning person.

You attempted to open your eyes. But to no avail, you failed. Turning over on your side, you completely disregarded the person speaking to you and slipped back into a peaceful slumber.

"Prisoner!" The person's voice was more agitated than before, which ultimately caused you to jerk in your place.

You sat up, remembering the situation you were in. That's right. You were on your way to Liyue with Scaramouche and his soldiers. At this point, you should've been used to being in strange situations like these.

As your eyes adjusted, your gaze fell on the soldier at the entrance of your tent. They continued once they noticed your attention to them, "We're departing soon. Please get ready so we can contain you again."

The bonds they put you in was slightly annoying, but you knew very well why it had to be done. To the Fatui, you were a "dangerous prisoner who had to be watched by the 6th Harbinger himself".

You quickly got yourself together and left the tent. Soldiers were already mostly packed. The second you exited your tent, two of them immediately took it down. The Fatui didn't mess around, they were really quick on their feet.

In the distance, you could see Scaramouche talking with a few of the higher ranked diplomats. Of course, it was nothing like a normal conversation. Though their Lord had calmed down in the recent days, he was still intimidating to them. It made you laugh knowing how sweet he could he when nobody else was around.

As soon as he noticed you, Scaramouche walked over.

"Morning, prisoner," he gave you a very low-key smirk as two Fatui agents constrained your wrists once again.

And like that, you set off on your journey to Liyue.


The trip to Liyue was an uneventful one. The group ran into the occasional treasure hoarder, but other than that, there was no real threats. You were grateful for that too.

Ah, Liyue. How you missed it. You had so many memories there. Not to mention, it's where your brother and best friend were.

Somehow you were finally freed of the bonds and found yourself alone with Scaramouche. He had sent the troops to the Northland band on some errands for him. Scaramouche was never one to do things himself, he had people to do it for him.

You sighed, your soft breath filled with exhaustion. Scaramouche noticed this, "I'm sure you'll want to go see them."

As he finished saying those words, you looked at him. He remembered.

Being as excited as you were to see your brother and best friend, you quickly nodded, "Is that alright?"

Scaramouche gave you a smile that made it seem like he was slightly taken aback, "You don't have to ask for permission. You're not actually a prisoner, you know."

That's right, you forgot. You got so used to him putting on his "unapproachable, scary Harbinger" act around the other Fatui, that you had almost forgotten how he usually acts around you.

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