Chapter 32 - Farwell, Dear Brother

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"Lu Wen?" You lightly knocked on the old wooden door connecting to your best friend's room, careful not to be too loud as to wake your brother.

To your dismay, she answered almost immediately. Once again, she gave you that smile that could lift your spirits instantly. "Mornin' Y/N! How'd you guys sleep?"

To not arouse suspicion, you simply grinned back, "We slept fine, thank you Lu Wen."

"Course," she replied, as cheerful as ever, "How long are you planning to stay? Because if you're going to be here for a while, how about we-"

"Uhm, about that.." you began. Here it was, the moment you had to break your best friend's heart. You didn't want to do it, but you knew it was for her own good and safety, "I have to leave again."

Lu Wen just frowned, "Aw, that's a shame.. when will you be back from your trip? We can meet up afterwards!"

You shook your head, reluctantly keeping a smile on your face. Maybe you thought faking it would make the pain you felt go away. It didn't.

"No Lu Wen. I can't come back. Not for a while," you wrapped your arms around your body, as if you couldn't stomach the words coming out of your mouth.

"I.. don't understand-"

You continued, "I'm sure you know who Scaramouche is, right? Well, the Tsaritsa- er- the cryo archon.. knows about us and now she's sending people to take us into custody. Or worse.."

Lu Wen, as pale as a ghost, leaned against her doorway, as if she could faint at any second, "H-How could this happen..?"

"Some of Scaramouche's men ratted us out, and for the safety of you and Tobi, we have to leave.. or you'll get caught in this mess as well. I'd hate myself for the rest of my life if something happens to the two of you because of my reckless behavior.."

Not wanting to hurt your feelings, she straightened her body, changing her demeanor, "I.. understand. You're just doing what's best for Tobi and I," she smiled, though it was a smile full of sadness, "You're such a good sibling to him and one day, he'll be able to say it to you himself." She pulled herself together, clearing her throat which sounded a bit choked up, maybe she was holding back tears, "You'll probably want to say bye to him, huh?"

You nodded, to which you both walked down to Tobi's bedroom.

You gently knocked before letting yourself in, and as you predicted, he was asleep. Walking in, sitting at his bedside, you began to really miss him, though you hadn't even left yet.

Shaking him softly, you called out to him, "Tobi.. hey wake up sleepyhead."

The boy's eyes slowly opened, looking straight into yours. His eyes then lit up with happiness, "Y/N! Y/N! I had the most amazing dream! You were there! And mask man was there too! We lived in a pretty cabin by the water! Like a family..!"

The fact that he seemed so happy completely broke your heart.

"Tobi, I'll be leaving again, for a.. long time," you decided to get it over with, like ripping a bandaid.

He seemed confused, so you continued, "I'm going to a place with really pretty snow..! I wish I could take you, but I can't. But I promise to take you there someday!"

"Really??" He happily grinned.

You just nodded, "I love you so much Tobi. I hope you know that."

Tobi giggled, "I love you too Y/N!"

Immediately, you hugged him, enjoying the warm embrace of your little brother. You really were going to miss him.

Eventually, you had your things ready to leave, Scaramouche had been waiting just outside the city with Childe, who was going to help the two of you escape the region and make it to Snezhnaya.

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