Chapter 35 (Finale) - A New Era

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After your very productive conversation, the rest of the night was a lot more relaxed. You were able to successfully calm Scaramouche down to the point where he wasn't feeling as guilty about his decision to quit the Fatui. He could take a moment to just breathe.

Since the current position was safe and not too far from the city, you both decided to camp there, leading you to spent the rest of the night simply talking. You felt that you hadn't been given many chances like this recently, so the wisest choice would be to take full advantage of it.

You brought up trivial things; things that most people would find idiotic. Though they were such simple questions, you really wanted to know every single detail about this man, despite being with him for quite a while now. Honestly, it was the first time you'd been so eager to know someone in and out. You were just happy the mood was lightened and you were able to ask these questions.

"You know, I've been curious, do you have a favorite animal?" You asked out of pure curiosity. But really you just wanted to get as much out of him as you could.

In all honestly, the two of you might've looked like two young children at a slumber party by the way you were acting. It made you a bit giddy to think that Scaramouche was indulging you in this, even if he was faking it. It caused you great joy, one might say.

"Favorite animal..?" Scaramouche repeated the question. He averted his eyes away from you and scoffed, "You'll just laugh at me."

You let out a sweet chuckle, "Why would you think that?" Of course, you were mocking him.

It didn't surprise him anymore about the casual way you treated him. In fact, he was really growing to enjoy it. To him, this kind of behavior showed how close you two were.

Scaramouche rolled his eyes, then glanced up at the ceiling of the tent. You'd both turned in for the night, you had been laying down next to each other for a long while, simply talking the entire time. Though you were in a tent outside, it was calm and relaxing. Maybe that was because you were laying next to the person you loved.

"If you even do so much as giggle, I won't hesitate to kick you out of this tent." Scaramouche quickly turned his head to face you and glared. Honestly, you didn't think he was joking.

"Okay, okay. I won't laugh, I promise." You answered, only half lying.

He sighed, "I quite like cats."

It surprised you honestly. Such an intimidating and powerful man, yet he liked cats. It was honestly kind of cute.

"Cats..?" You could feel a smile forming on your face.

"Yeah? So what? They're vicious predators who have a natural instinct to hunt, they're quite smart, and they bow down to no one. I respect that. They're also.. nice to look at.." he muttered that last part as if he didn't want you to hear him.

You held in a few laughs. Was he trying to call cats cute? Perhaps he was too embarrassed to say it?

"Don't you mean 'cute'?" You corrected.

He cleared his throat, "Yes, that."

You felt bad for wanting to tease him, but you just couldn't help it. The chance had been presented to you and you had to take the opportunity, "Well? Say it. Say they're cute."

He shot you another glare, "Don't push your luck."

Letting out a quiet laugh, you rolled your eyes, finally deciding to let it go and cut the man some slack.

As much as the night was so full of joy that you wished would last an eternity, there was still something on your mind from before. Something that really needed to be talked about now that Scaramouche was in a better mood.

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