Chapter 14 - The Truth

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《Scaramouche's POV》

It had been not only a few minutes since the two arrived, when the unconscious man started to open his eyes. Y/N, being the kind person they were, swiftly jumped in, asking if they were feeling okay and if they needed anything.

Y/N's kindness was something Scaramouche was drawn to. He was never someone you'd label as "kind". In fact, the only times he was kind to someone, was when he was putting up a facade. You know, for good first impressions.

He knew he had a temper and a habit at screaming at people when they made the littlest mistakes.

For some reason, he didn't feel the need to do that with Y/N. While he wasn't necessarily being his true self around them, he felt it was a side to him he never knew he had. At this point, he didn't really see it as a facade anymore, rather, a part of him that Y/N managed to retrieve from his ice cold heart.

The thought of being so easily changed by one single person gave him chills. The whole situation was weird, he thought he was dreaming or something.

Back to Y/N, the man sat up as Y/N gave him some leftover food they had from their brief stay at their friend's house.

"Sir, if you don't mind me asking, why were you all the way out here?" Y/N asked, Scaramouche could tell they were trying their hardest to be gentle with the man.

He sighed, it was obvious he was having a hard time even speaking, "I.. I felt drawn to it.. for some reason.."

Y/N nodded, "And is there anything you can tell me about what you saw?"

He went on to explain the dream that everyone was having. Of course, nothing new. Another dead end.

Man, if Y/N weren't there, Scaramouche would have resulted to violence long ago. He hated being patient, especially with people like that. Though, he thought it was a good thing that Y/N was there, kind of like they were holding him back from doing anything rash.

Y/N stood up, "Well, thank you anyway." They turned to Scaramouche, "We should probably help him back to the city."

The man reached his shaky hand up, grabbing Y/N's hand, "No need.. I can get there by myself. Please, I've caused enough trouble already. You can leave, I'll be fine." He struggled to stand up but he eventually succeeded.

They just looked at him, eventually nodding, "Alright, if you say so." They gave him such a warm smile. It made Scaramouche a little jealous. He wanted them to smile like that when they looked at him.

Scaramouche and Y/N said their goodbyes to the man, who seemed to be quickly improving. After that, they were off again.

Scaramouche would make occasional glances over at Y/N, hoping they would look back at him, but they kept their eyes forward, deep in thought. He wondered what they could possibly be thinking about. He kind of hoped they were thinking about him.

It was driving him crazy. He finally mustered up the courage to kiss Y/N but nothing happened after that. No confrontation, no nothing. Almost as if it never happened.

He almost wanted to grab their hand and ask them directly. Maybe they were purposefully avoiding it because they didn't feel that way about him? Why wouldn't they though? Scaramouche knew his "nice guy" personality was attractive, he also knew very well that he wasn't bad looking either. So why didn't Y/N like him?

It was also a possibility that they were just too nervous. Or perhaps they just needed time to think things over?

Eventually Scaramouche sighed. He knew he was probably just overthinking. Honestly, the thought of having a "forbidden romance" like that was quite thrilling.

A kind-hearted adventurer falls for an evil-doing Fatui Harbinger, eventually leading them to run away together and live happily ever after.

Scaramouche snapped out of his strange fantasy when Y/N stopped in their tracks, causing Scaramouche to bump into them.

"Shh," they said, pulling him to the side, "There's Aether again.."

Scaramouche peered around the large rock they were hiding behind. This was quite familiar.. almost like they had done this before.

He sighed angrily, "This is ridiculous." He got up and started walking towards Aether and Paimon.

"Scaramouche wait!" Y/N called out, causing Aether to look back.

《Your POV》

Scaramouche really had a mind of his own. You felt like he had so many different personalities, you didn't know which one was his true self.

You came out from your hiding spot once Scaramouche started walking towards the two.

"Scaramouche..?" Aether muttered, looking over at Paimon, "Where have we heard that name before?"

Scaramouche stopped, crossing his arms, "Are you following us??"

Aether looked confused, "No..? We're investigating the same thing, it's only natural for us to-"

"Wait! Paimon remembers where we've heard that name!" Paimon pitched in.

You looked over at Scaramouche, who now seemed worried. Paimon turned to Aether, "Remember Viktor, from the church in Mondstadt? He talked about a guy named Scaramouche!"

Aether looked back at the Inazuman man, "You're right.." he looked straight at you, "Y/N.. do you know who this man is?"

You panicked and you started to sweat. You knew you said you didn't care to know what Scaramouche did for a living, but now Aether was starting to make it sound really bad.

"I.. he's a traveller, just like me."

Aether gripped his sword even tighter, "Y/N.. that man is one of the Fatui harbingers.."


oh frick-

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