Chapter 24 - Do you love me?

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《Your POV》

Although you had originally planned for a leisurely day out in the town with Scaramouche, your plans had somewhat changed. After receiving word that the Tsaritsa knew of your involvement with the 6th harbinger, you now had to pack your things and prepare to travel to Snezhnaya.

Traveling to such a cold nation did not give you very much joy at all. In fact, you were dreading it. At least you'd get to be with Scaramouche. But even then, you weren't sure if even that would make it better.

You still had your concerns about Scaramouche. From what you've gathered, he was usually very disagreeable and none of his comrades liked him. Apparently, he was very selfish and didn't know when to keep his mouth shut either. He had little regard for other people, especially those who he deemed beneath him. Yet for some reason, he only acted different around you.

Even with all this in mind, you still wanted to trust him. Maybe you really were a masochist? In any case, whether you fully trusted him or not, you were still heading into certain death by walking into Snezhnaya as a "traitor".

Scaramouche had told you not to bring too much. As he put it, "Traitors to the Fatui have no right to carry such belongings while going to meet the Tsaritsa." You thought it was a bit harsh, but then again, this was the Fatui you were talking about.

You could survive a while without your stuff. After all, you were supposed to be pretending to be a Fatui spy who had betrayed your nation and your Archon. You weren't quite sure if you could pull it off.

Instead of your nice afternoon in the town with Scaramouche, he was stuck teaching you all about the do's-and-dont's of the Fatui.

"Only speak when spoken to," Scaramouche rambled on about the strict rules, "Especially with the Tsaritsa herself. Never speak to her without her speaking first, got it? Now, tell me who you are."

You gulped, a bit nervous, as you weren't that great of an actor, "I'm Y/N, a Fatui diplomat sent as a spy for the Adventure's Guild. During an undercover mission, I ended up betraying the Fatui by giving away confidential information to the guild in an attempt to sabotage the Fatui."

"Good," he grinned, "Now let's hope she buys this and decides not to kill us both." Scaramouche stood up and looked over to Childe, who was still just waiting on your couch.

Childe decided he'd help the two of you out, but he really wasn't doing anything productive.

Scaramouche groaned, "If you're going to intrude on Y/N's home, at least be somewhat helpful, you dimwit."

The redhead rolled his eyes, "My job is to be an accomplice for you two. So as of now, I am not needed. I rest my case." He wore a very sly grin.

You sighed, leaning back in the chair you had been resting in for almost 2 hours. Your thoughts were racing, and honestly they had been like that for a while. There was so much to think about, so much happening, you didn't know what to think anymore.

Would you have been feeling this way if you'd never met Scaramouche? What if you never gave him a second chance? Would you still be feeling like this?

Brushing off all these feelings, you had a new thought, "Scaramouche?" You asked, he turned his head to look at you, "What if the Tsaritsa finds out you're lying? Isn't lying to her way worse than having a romantic partner..?"

He paused. Deep down, he knew what the risks were, and maybe it would've just been easier to come clean and just say he had a "moment of weakness". In all honestly, he didn't know why he was going to such lengths.

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