Chapter 16 - Him again?

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《Your POV》

It had been 2 weeks since you parted ways with Scaramouche. Time felt like it was going by so slowly.

You went back to Mondstadt a few days after the incident. Of course, you distanced yourself from everyone else. You started accepting less and less commissions from the guild, they began to wonder what had happened.

Aether attempted to contact you multiple times. He swung by your place almost every other day, checking to see if you were there. Perhaps he was worried and felt bad for you, or maybe he just pitied you.

But every time, you wouldn't answer. You wouldn't say you were depressed, really. You just had a lot on your mind, and being around people made it worse.

Of course, you had to leave sometimes to eat or do the very few commissions you accepted. You needed money, after all.

One particular day, you went out to Good Hunter, hoping to buy a last minute dinner after being in your house all day. A few Fatui members walked by. Mondstadt regularly had groups of Fatui waltz in and out, especially as of late.

You overheard them talking. One of the men turned to the other, "Man, Lord Scaramouche has been in a particularly bad mood recently.."

Hearing his name made you freeze in your tracks. You felt as though you couldn't move.

The other shivered, "Right? It all happened after he disappeared for a few days.. I wonder what drove him that insane?"

"Whatever it was, I hope it gets fixed soon.. word has it that he's going to be visiting Mondstadt on official business, and I'm not ready to die just yet!" The man said as they walked off.

You glanced over at the two Fatui men who had their backs towards you. He was coming to Mondstadt? You didn't know if you could handle that. Should you have left? Maybe fleeing to Liyue was a bad idea, after all, it was possible to run into him on the way there.

But if you stayed in Mondstadt, there was a high probability that he'd see you. You wanted to avoid any awkwardness at all costs. You didn't know what to do. You were so desperately hoping that he wouldn't come for a few days, so at least you had time to think up a plan.

Just as the thought left your mind, someone walked up behind you.


You froze, again. You knew that voice. Your heart started racing, you felt dizzy too. Not him again..

Turning around, you saw him. Scaramouche was standing right in front of you with two other Fatui soldiers.

"You know this person, sir?" One of them asked.

All Scaramouche had to do was turn around glare at the solder and that made him shut up. He really was scary.. he wasn't joking when he said nobody likes him.

He waved them away, and they quickly walked off, as if they were terrified of what would happen to them if they didn't.

You were finally able to break your silence, "W-What do you want?" You tried so hard to hide the fact that your hands were shaking.

"It's good to see you again." He said, his expression turned into a gloomy one.

"Well that makes one of us," you began to walk away when he took your hand.

He sighed, "Please hear me out."

You looked him in the eyes. It was the first time you'd gazed into his eyes since you found out who he really was. Honestly, you really missed him, it's true. But at the same time, you despised him for lying to you. You simply just wished you two had never met, that would've made the process much easier.

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