Chapter 21 - Anxious Thoughts

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《Your POV》

After meeting with each other by chance, Scaramouche decided to skip out on his Fatui duties to continue your training.

Back when you were traveling together, he promised he would train you and teach you all about visions and combat. Though, he didn't seem to have a vision anywhere on him, yet he was able to use the electro element. You thought it was strange but the thought quickly left your mind as Scaramouche had pinned you down during combat.

"You're improving at least," he swiftly got off of you, helping you up, "I'm no expert swordsman, but I'm still quite skilled if I do say so myself. I'm impressed that you survived that long against me."

You averted your eyes, panting from exhaustion. Sweat dripping from your head, you dropped the sword and sat down, "Can we.. take a break please..?" Completely out of breath, you laid down on your back, hoping the pain would soon subside. Fighting was way harder than it looked.

Scaramouche sighed, almost as if he was disappointed, "If you'd like." He sat down next to you.

It baffled you that he wasn't tired in the slightest. Was he some kind of god or something? Surely any normal person would've been dying of exhaustion. Although, he was a Fatui Harbinger. They were a whole different breed in of itself.

The sun was at its halfway mark between noon and sunset, which meant the hottest part of the day. Luckily for you, Scaramouche had brought water. Immediately you chugged the whole thing down without a break in between.

Scaramouche found it quite amusing how much you were suffering but you decided to try and ignore him. Though, you were grateful he'd risk getting scolded just for you. You knew how much he hated being told what to do, so you felt special in a way.

"We can continue tomorrow, you seem a little worn out," he teased you, knowing very well you were practically one foot into the grave.

"No it's fine," you answered without hesitation, "You're here on official business. I'd hate to interfere with your Fatui stuff."

Scaramouche just looked at you as if he was trying to think of the right words to say. He placed his hand on yours, which was resting beside you, "The Fatui will always be there. But I'm only in Mondstadt for a few more days. I want to make the most of it."

Then you remembered. You were having too much fun being around him that you completely forgot he wasn't staying forever. The past few days felt like heaven to you. Though it might've been a stretch, you really felt like he had actually moved in with you. It was a comforting feeling knowing you'd be waking up next to him every morning.

But every good story has to have a bad ending. And for you, it was him having to leave.

You couldn't just ask him to stay, you couldn't do that to him. He had a responsibility and he seemed to really like his job. You were sure there was consequences for quitting the Fatui as well.

You slowly sat up, "Right.." you looked away, hoping he wouldn't notice the look on your face.

Of course he noticed immediately, so he gently wrapped his arm around you, pulling you close, "I'm sorry it had to be this way."

Without even looking at his face, you could tell he wore a sad expression. He probably felt the same way that you did. Scaramouche was a harbinger, you were a humble adventurer, there was no way a relationship between the two could ever work out. You were sorry that you had completely wasted his time. You felt stupid for thinking it could work between you two.

"Maybe.. this just wasn't meant to happen," you leaned over, resting your head in your hands, "Maybe we weren't meant to be together. You have a job that you're committed to, and I have my mother's dream I'm trying to achieve. We are both on different paths, there's no way this could work."

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