Chapter 29 - Catching Up

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The door to the small home creaked as it opened. Lu Wen peered around the corner, "Oh, you guys are back! How was it?"

To Lu Wen's surprise, Scaramouche was holding a sleeping Tobi in his arms. It was rather late, way past his usual bedtime.

She giggled quietly, "Seems like he's warmed up to you." Lu Wen very cautiously took Tobi from his arms, "I'll put him to bed, if you guys want, I have an extra room. That is, if you need a place to stay."

You smiled, "We would hate to intrude-"

"Nonsense! I love getting to spend time with you! We hardly see each other anymore." She frowned.

Lu Wen was right. You don't even remember when the last time the two do you hung out was. Must've been years ago. Because of that, you decided to take her up on her offer, "Thanks Lu Wen. I really appreciate it."

"Course," she smiled as she silently walked up the stairs, "It's the door to your right, make yourselves at home, I'll be down in a minute."

Just as she left, you turned to Scaramouche, "I'm sure you have to be somewhere.. after all they probably suspect something's up, since we've been missing all day-"

"Don't worry about it," Scaramouche brushed it off, "They're too terrified of me to confront me about it."

You sighed, folding your arms, "Don't you think that's being too reckless? I mean, they could tell the Tsaritsa. It would ruin our whole plan."

He smiled, almost a devious smile, "I have their upmost trust, I think I can afford to be a little reckless every once in a while, hm?" He winked at you, which honestly made you a bit flustered.

Suddenly, Lu Wen appeared from upstairs. She quickly sat down at the table, signaling for you to sit.

"Okay, now spill. I want all the details on you two!" Lu Wen put her hands together, "Was it love at first sight?? Did you hate each other at first? Ooh, forbidden love is so romantic!"

"Uh," you averted your eyes, "It's not as perfect as you make it sound."

She tilted her head in confusion, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Scaramouche slowly started to sink in his chair, almost as if he was waiting for something bad to take place. Like he was preparing for his death. He knew if Lu Wen knew what really happened, she'd kick him out without hesitation. And he completely understood why, he knew what he did was terrible, and he was trying to fix it. In fact, he'd happily receive whatever criticism was coming his way, that's how bad he felt.

You nervously laughed, "Well uh.. it was pretty uneventful. We met each other while we were both researching those meteorites, decided to travel together, and here we are."

Lu Wen seemed unamused. She folded her arms in disappointment, "Aw come on, there's gotta be more to it than that! When did you.. you know, find out who he was?"

The aura in the room suddenly changed, and Scaramouche could feel it. You glanced over to him very quickly only to turn back to your friend.

In all honesty, you were hoping you wouldn't have to think about it anymore. You would hate to relive it. It caused you a lot of conflicting feelings.

"Um," you hesitated, "Well, I found out eventually from a friend, we got into a fight, but obviously we worked through our differences and here we are." You looked over at Scaramouche, who looked so nervous he looked like he had just seen a ghost. After you said that though, he calmed down a bit. You guessed he was scared of what you'd say.

You didn't blame him though. If you told her the whole story, she would've flipped out on him. Lu Wen was not to be trifled with. Obviously you forgave him, and you knew he was trying his best to make things right, you also knew he loved you, so the past was in the past. You just had to trust him, and hopefully it wouldn't bite you in the butt one day. You believed in second chances, and you were happy, that's what mattered.

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