Chapter 12 - Unexpected News

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《Your POV》

You slowly opened your eyes, still very tired from your long day. To your surprise, it was still dark out. You looked over to Scaramouche, who of course, still had his arms around you. Waking him up wouldn't have been ideal, after all he was probably more tired than you were.

Gently moving his arms off of you, you quietly slid to the floor. Now would've been a good time to do some more brainstorming. You and Scaramouche had hit a dead end in the meteorite investigation, and if you wanted to speed things up, you needed to put in the work to do so.

You opened your bag, taking out a few books and other supplies, trying to be as silent as possible so you didn't wake Mr. Sleeping Beauty over there.

Obviously that didn't work, because you felt a hand on your shoulder, "What are you doing?" His voice was audibly exhausted.

"Sorry.. I'm just trying to gather all the information we have. Maybe we'll find something different." You explained, "Just go back to sleep."

You could hear Scaramouche sigh as he took a seat right next to you. He gently took one of the books from you and started examining it.

"What are you-"

"I'm helping," he replied, even before you could finish your sentence, "I'm not just going to let you do this by yourself. I too, was given the job to research these meteorites, so I will."

You looked at him and smiled, returning back to your research.


After a while of reading, taking notes, rereading, then taking more notes, you could tell the sun was going to rise soon, which meant it was time to move onto the next location.

You packed up all of your books, with the help of Scaramouche, and set out.

Scaramouche had the map this time. You found it kind of cute how hard he was trying to be helpful. It was almost as if he wasn't used to it.

"It says the next one shouldn't be too far from Liyue Harbor," He informed you, "Seems like it's near Dunyu Ruins."

You turned to look at him, "How many more are there?"

"Hm.. 2 more. Though, the last one is on some sort of island off the coast of Mondstadt."

The weather was really nice that day. Although it was a bit cold, it was bearable. After all, is was still pretty dark out. The sun hasn't risen yet. The two of you walked by one of the statue's of the seven. To your surprise, Aether was standing there talking with Paimon, his companion.

"Aether?" You questioned, surprised to see him there, especially this early in the morning.

The blonde boy looked up, his eyes meeting yours, "Oh, Y/N! Fancy seeing you here!"

You awkwary smiled at him. It was nice to see so many familiar faces, but nerve racking at the same time. You walked up to him and Paimon, leaving Scaramouche standing in the road by himself.

"What brings you to Liyue? I thought you were stuck doing work in Mondstadt?" Aether asked,

"I was sent to look into the meteorites. Though, we've kind of hit a dead end.." you answered. It was true, the two of you haven't been able to find any new clues.

Aether looked confused, "We..?"

You almost forgot to introduce him to your companion, "Oh, this is-"

"Hi, I'm Y/N's travel partner." Scaramouche cut in, holding his hand out to Aether.

Aether nervously laughed, shaking his hand, "Nice to meet you..? Anyway, what a coincidence, I was told to look into them as well!"

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