Chapter 23 - Change of Plans

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《Your POV》

The sunlight made its way into your small home, just in time as you stood in the kitchen cooking up a quick breakfast. Cooking for more than one person was strange. It felt weird to have someone else in the house, but oddly comforting. The feeling was almost familiar.

You quickly finished up, placing the food on the table. You felt proud of yourself that you were able to cook for him, like you were just looking for his approval.

Opening your bedroom door, Scaramouche was still sound asleep. You knew it was weird, but you simply stared at him. He seemed really exhausted. Not only that, but he seemed to always be keeping everything to himself. You knew very well that he still had secrets, but you understood why he had to keep them. Scaramouche was a harbinger after all, there was no way he would be able to tell you every little detail about his job.

Since he had the day off for the most part, you tried to let him sleep in. You wanted him to have the best last day in Mondstadt before he had to leave you.

If you were being completely honest with yourself, you felt extremely saddened at the mere thought of him going off somewhere far away. But you knew involving yourself with him meant that it wouldn't be easy. After all, Fatui harbingers weren't really meant to be in relationships. Who knows what would've happened if the Tsaritsa found out about you two.

It had been a very long time since you'd woken up, you started to grow impatient. Swiftly walking to your bed, you jumped onto it, causing the bed frame to shake.

Still, Scaramouche didn't move. His face really was beautiful. You wondered how someone so innocent looking could be so devious and manipulative. Though, you wanted to believe that he acted differently around you and you alone.

You sat on top of him and leaned down, giving him a soft kiss on the forehead. To your surprise, that's what made him wake up.

"Finally," you glared at him, "It's almost noon. You wasted half the day sleeping."

He slowly sat up, causing you to sit back as well. Scaramouche rubbed his eyes, "Why'd you wake me up?" He really was cranky in the morning, but you thought that was cute.

"It's your last day here. I wanted to spend it with you! And I can't do that if you're unconscious." You answered honestly.

"Eh-" he just looked at you a bit flustered. He didn't know what to say to that. Nobody had ever wanted to spend time with him, "I don't understand you."

All you did was give him a gentle smile as you pulled him out of bed and into the kitchen. You pulled out his chair to sit him down at the table, soon after you took yours across from him.

"I can do it myself you know." Scaramouche was way too tired to raise his voice, so there was little annoyance in his voice.

"I know," you laughed, "I thought it would be funny since you're too tired to stop me."

The two of you sat down for a freshly made meal. Just as you were finishing up, there was an aggressive knock at the door.

Scaramouche started to get up when you stopped him, "I'll get it. You're not supposed to be here, remember?" As you said that, you made your way over to the door where you gently opened it.

And yet again, it was Childe at the door. He just didn't know what to leave you two alone did he?

"Y/N, good to see you again," Childe grinned. As he peered into the house, he could see Scaramouche stuffing food into his mouth as he glared at him. It gave Childe the chills.

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