To cabin 6: Answer this question from @Bookfunreader123

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To cabin 6: What are your favorite books?

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A/N: I don't know the names of the people in cabin 6, so I'm gonna make some up.

Annabeth: What?

Me: What are you favourite books?

Malcolm: What?

Me: What? It's not like I released a spider on you! Just tell me your favourite books!

Vicky (OC): *gasp* What did you just ask us?

Mark (OC): Oh my gods! We love [mostly] all books! Asking us our favourite books is like, is like-

Me: Asking Dakota and Pollux what their favourite Kool-Aid flavour is! *flashback*

Amy (OC): Exactly! So don't ask!

Tammy (OC): But I have a favourite! Great Expectations in the Ancient Greek version!

Me: There's an ... Ancient Greek version?

Tammy: Duh. How else could we read it?

Me: That does make sense.

Tammy: Exactly! Now could I go reread it?

Me: 'Course!

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