One-Shot: The Mythomagic Tournament

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Annabeth and Piper were walking to the Big House, where Chiron had asked them to come so they could Iris-message Reyna and figure out the next exchange program between camps.

"Maybe we could do some special weapon training and hand-to-hand combat," Annabeth suggested.

"Yeah. I noticed most demigods and legacies don't use weapons like maces. They're pretty cool and I think I would like to learn..." Piper said, then pointed to Chiron trotting out of the Big House. "Why's he outside?"

They shared a knowing look, then ran to him. "Chiron! Why're you outside? What about the meeting?" Piper asked.

Chiron sighed. "Mr. D kicked me out."

"Mr. D?! He's back?" Annabeth exclaimed.

"Only for them," Chiron said bitterly.

"Who's 'them'?" Piper asked.

"Grover, Nico, Frank and Hazel. They're having a Mythomagic tournament. Grover was going to be judge but Mr. D found out, so he came here and now he's judge," Chiron said.

"What?! Mr. D came to camp for just for a game tournament?!" Annabeth said.

"Yes, he did," Chiron said.

"Let's go see them," Piper said.

"They won't let us in," Chiron argued.

"Yes they will. We'll be viewers. Dionysus is also the god of attention," Annabeth said.

"All right," Chiron said and they all walked to the Big House.

Knock, knock! Chiron knocked.

"You shouldn't knock, Chiron. Let's just go in," Piper said.

So the three of them went in. They could feel the tension in the room. Grover, Nico, Frank and Hazel were sitting in a circle while Dionysus sat in a chair next to them, drinking Diet Coke.

"So the horse returns with the Annie girl and the popcorn girl-" Dionysus began but was cut off by Piper.

"It's Piper McLean, not 'popcorn girl' Mr. D!" Piper said, a bit mad.

Dionysus rolled his eyes. "Whatever Matthews. What are you three doing?"

"We've come to watch the tournam-" Annabeth started to say.

"Shh Annabeth!" Grover scolded then played a quick melody on his pipes.

"Grover! You're distracting me!" Nico told Grover.

Frank took a card from a pile then gave it to Hazel. "It's Pluto."

Hazel blushed. "Thanks." Then she gave him a statue of someone with wings. "It's Mercury."

"Actually Hazel," Nico interrupted, "that's Hermes, not Mercury. He doesn't have a SPQR tattoo. Mercury always has the tattoo."

Thunder rumbled outside. Nico looked out with satisfaction. "See? I'm right."

"We know that Nico. You're the Mythomagic Whiz. Maybe we should get you a medal," Hazel teased.

"Shut up," Nico said to her but it sounded half-hearted. He was too busy in the game.

Chiron, Annabeth and Piper took a seat and watched in amazement at the four. "When this is finished, let's call Reyna," Piper whispered to them.

"Oh, don't be so excited. This is just round 2. A proper game has 16 rounds and lasts for two weeks, but that's only in the New York version. We're also going to play the California version which is exactly double of the New York version. Also, we need at least a day to distribute the prizes..." Mr. D rambled on.

Chiron, Annabeth and Piper shared a look. They were all thinking the same thing: It was going to take forever for the Mythomagic tournament to be over!

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