Good Pranks to Try Out! (But not the Complete List) - Camp Half-Blood Edition

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By Connor Stoll & Travis Stoll 

With The Help Of Lou Ellen Blackstone & Cecil Markowitz

🔑 Travis-

🔒 -and Conn-

✨ Liars! It's Connor then Travis. Not the other way around.

🎲 Just admit it, guys. Lou is right.

🔑 "Lou"? Not "Lou Ellen"?


✨ SHUT UP; before I start talking about Tratie...


🔑 Good one Lou!

🎲 Yeah, I can't wait for Katie to be my sister-in-law!

🔒 YOU-

🔑 I can't wait for Lou to be my sister-in-law as well!


🎲 She's going to turn you into a pig.

✨ Cecil's right. I will.

Connor Stoll may have turned into a pig due to Lou Ellen Blackstone

Cecil Markowitz may be locked inside the camp store due to Travis Stoll

Chiron may have come and told Lou Ellen and Travis to undo

Lou Ellen and Travis might have un-did because they did not want to clean the stables

Connor might be chasing Lou Ellen while Cecil might be chasing Travis

🔑 All right guys, everything is A-OKAY!

🎲 We know that.

🔑 Well, Cecil, I know you know that I know that you know that I know-

🎲 LOU! Make him stop. Please.

🔒 No need for that. I'll do it.

🔑 No you won't. I'm your b-r-o-t-h-e-r.

🔒 So? I can still-

✨ Let's cut to the pranks!

🎲 Best idea I've heard all day.


🔑 Connor Stoll

Prank #1 - Set spiders in the Athena cabin

Note from me: Make sure Annabeth's not there! She'll find out you did it and kill you! Or hurt you... I still have the knife scar on my arm to prove it!

"Oh my gods," Lou muttered after we put some spiders that we found in the woods in the Athena cabin.

"Can't wait to see what's gonna happen," Cecil said.

Travis nodded.

I did too.

Truth was, I wanted to play the prank, but I didn't want Annabeth to kill me.


Just then, Malcolm Pace, substitute head counselor of Cabin Six came into view, leading the other Athena campers. (Annabeth was with Percy at his house.)

Just as he entered, I thought, Here it comes! and Malcolm shrieked. "AAAHHHHH!!! SPID- AAAHHHHH!"

A spider was on his shoe, and was climbing up his leg.

The rest of the Athena cabin screamed.

They acted so tough, yet this one crawly-creeper went on their nerves so much-

Though I guess it's not their fault.

One of the Ares campers saw them and started laughing. No one came to help. They were on their own.

Finally, one of the Athena campers managed to stomp a spider and kill it. The rest of them did the same. Two seconds later, a dozen spiders were dead.


🔒 Travis Stoll

Prank #2 - Steal the satyrs' pipes and hide them with the nymphs

Note from Lou: Make sure you don't touch the sticky end of the pipes while stealing them! Their gross! Sorry if I grossed you out!

"Ewwwwwwwww," moaned Cecil as he touched the "sticky" end of a satyrs' reed pipe. Really, they needed better security. But good for us.

Lou laughed.

Me and Connor exchanged a knowing look.

We gathered as much pipes as we could and gave them to the nymphs who hid them for us.

When the satyrs realized, they called a hunger strike for the day but they can never part with food so they eventually ate.

No one realized who did it.

At least, I don't think.



🔑 And Tratie and Loucil.

Connor is being chased  by Travis, Lou Ellen, and Cecil

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