The Adventures of @-_Pink-Roleplayer-_

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-_Pink-Roleplayer-_'s OC in the story!

Name: Mia De Marco

Type: Demigod

Parentage: Hermes

Description: Light brown hair with violet highlights and blue eyes

Weapon(s): Two daggers


Mia's POV

"Mia! You're back?" asked my sister Julia Feingold at the border of Camp Half-Blood.

"Yup!" I answered cheerfully. "I decided to come, 'cause it's the summer, and what better place to spend it in then Camp Half-Blood?"

"I'm glad you came! Me and Alice just thought of this super cool new prank, but we needed three people, and you can join us!"

I was about to say "Sure," but someone shouted, "CHEESE ENCHILDAS!!!!!!" as the camp horn shouted for lunch.

"Let's go," Julia said then ran to the Dining Pavilion and I followed her. "Alice, look who's here!"

Alice turned around from a conversation with our brother, Cecil. "Hey Mia!"

Cecil said, "Hi Mia," then started talking to Lou Ellen, who came to the Hermes table.

Then Connor Stoll came and clapped me on the back. "Hey Mia!"

Pretty soon, the whole Hermes cabin was saying hello to me, so I just said, "Hi everyone," and digged in to lunch because I was hungry.

After finish the meal - veggie burgers - my sister Julia and Alice dragged me to the archery range, which was empty.

"So the plan," Alice said, her eyes lighting up, "for the prank is this: we're going to steal Drew's make up. How? Julia's going to lure her to the camp store, where there will be a fake 'sale'" - she made air quotes - "while I steal her make up. Your job is to distract the entire Aphrodite cabin because not all of them are going to the camp store."

"Nice prank," I said. "I'm in. But how should I distract the Aphrodite cabin?"

"That's easy," Julia said. "Make them go to the archery range. Pretend that they have archery. But whatever you do, do not let them near their cabin at all."

"Okay. When do we start?"

Alice laughed. "We start now."


So, this is what happened:

Julia lured Drew to the camp store, where there was a "sale" - Julia just wrote some posters that said stuff like 50% off! - and Drew bought it. She bought all these things, then went to cashier and had to pay the full price.

Boy, did we have a good laugh out of that.

Meanwhile, I took the rest of the cabin to the archery range, and let me just say, only my speed kept me alive. I prayed to Hermes after that. Thanks for the super fast speed!

And Alice? She stole Drew's makeup, all right.

When Drew found out, she threw an Oscar-worthy tantrum.

The whole Hermes cabin - actually, the whole camp, including Drew's siblings - died laughing. It was the opposite of actually dying.

So, I'm pretty sure the rest of my summer is going to be good.

Let's hope there are no more prophecies in my lifetime.

Or yours.



That was fun to write!

Hope you enjoyed it, -_Pink-Roleplayer-_! (And everyone else too.)

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