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     It had been a few days since Loki had learned of Evelyn's illness. He rode out to the tree the same time everyday to see her, he wanted to know if she was okay. Yet she was never there. He now knows where she lived and said he would check up on her but decided it was best not to bother her. If she was still unwell then she needed her rest.

It was also the day of the ball. Loki had been riding out more to avoid his father and Odin was getting more anxious about Loki's intentions. As Loki was growing older, Odin felt he was getting more rebellious hence why he wanted to find him a wife. Odin only took Loki in because of his late wife, Frigga. During the battle of Jotunheim, Loki was left to die on a rock. Frigga had accompanied them and the other healers to help the injured and convinced Odin to take Loki in to raise him as their own. But since the passing of Frigga, Odin felt he could no longer cope. He was scared for the throne. He didn't feel like an outsider should rule Asgard, especially a frost giant.


Loki once again had been summoned to the throne room by his father. "You sent for me."

"Loki. Tonight is the ball and I am to remind you to behave." Loki only rolled his eyes. Odin noticed and mumbled something under his breath but continued. "The royals from Vanaheim will be attending and I will need you to meet their daughter."

"And what if I don't want to?" Loki smiled seeing how angry Odin was.

"You must!"

Loki scoffed and attempted to walk away.

"Don't you dare walk away from me!"

"Watch me, old man."

"You are to marry this girl and it is not up for discussion!"

Loki stopped in his tracks to turn to Odin.

"So you've already sold me off?" Loki knew Odin didn't get on with him but never thought he truly hated by him enough for him to not want his own son to be happy. Odin stayed silent.

"Why are you so desperate for me to find a wife? We all know Thor is next in line for the throne anyway so what's the rush?" None of this made sense to Loki. Odin stayed silent a little longer before speaking up.

"You are to marry this girl, and move to Vanaheim." Odin almost sounded guilty.


"It's not up for discussion. You can leave." Odin turned his back on his son as Loki stood there still shocked from the news. It took Loki a few moments to process before he stormed out the room. Odin let out a sigh as he slammed the door.

"Brother? Wha-"

"Don't talk to me!" Loki shoved Thor to the side as he continued storming away from the throne room. There was only one place he wanted to go right now.

Thor watched as his younger brother walked away from him. He felt that recently Loki became more distant from him. He felt he wasn't himself. Thor noticed that Loki had come from the throne room and guessed it had something to do with Odin, he decided he should go find out.

As he entered the room, he saw that there was no one else but Odin. He was slumped down in his throne with one hand holding güngnir and the other rubbing his forehead from exhaustion.

"Father? What's going on?"

"Thor... I guess you deserve to hear my plans for Loki." Odin knew now that Thor was old enough and responsible enough to hear the truth. Thor remained silent as he listened to his father. Not a single part of him agreed with Odins plan. Quite frankly it didn't make sense. Why would he need to send Loki away?

"But why father? Forgive me, but if I'm next in line anyway, then why are you in such a rush to send him away?"

"I think it's time I told you the truth. I was hoping your mother could of dealt with this, but since her passing it has fallen to me." Odin walked with his son to the window of the throne room. Telling him the true story of what happened in the battle, the retrieval of the casket, along with the adoption of Laufey's bastard son.

"Does Loki know?" Thor didn't want to believe. To him, Loki is his brother. Not some Frost Giant.

"No. And it is to remain that way. I fear that if he was to find out, he will unlock his true powers and would be a threat to this kingdom." Thor knew that this was wrong of Odin. Loki deserved to know where he truly came from. But while Odin is ruler, there is nothing Thor could do. He must obey his father.

"Yes, father." Thor replied sadly as he left the room.


Loki had arrived at the tree, still no sign of Evelyn but he decided to stay anyway. He sat there with his head in his hands. He still couldn't believe what his fathers intentions were. He knew they didn't see eye to eye, but deep down he really hoped his father still loved him.

"Loki?" That familiar voice called his name as he eagerly lifted his head from his hands. The girls face showed concern as she saw the sadness in Loki. "Are you okay?"

"Evelyn, how are you feeling?" Loki decided this wasn't the time to bore her with his problems. The last time he saw the girl she was incredibly sick. "Should you be moving around yet?"

"I'm fine." Evelyn giggled sweetly at his concern for her. "My mother made sure I had an extra day of bed rest just to be sure. I guess she told you all about my illness?"

Loki nodded. He saw how sad Evelyn got when she mentioned her being ill and it hurt him to see her like this. Whenever she was around him, she was always to happy and bubbly. She made him happy.

"I'm so sorry." Loki apologised. He couldn't imagine living with such an awful disease.

"It can't be helped. Anyway I must thank you. If you didn't find me, it could've been much worse." Her usual smile was placed back on her face. "So tell me, why do you look so down today?"

Evelyn sat next to Loki waiting to hear about his own problems. At first Loki hesitated to say anything at all, but the look on Evelyn's face told him she wasn't going to leave until he was at least smiling again.

"Just another argument with the Allfather. Nothing new." Loki brushed the topic off to the side for now. Evelyn didn't question him anymore and they continued talking for at least an hour. Loki forgot about all his problems when Evelyn was around. She made him forget. Evelyn rested her head on his shoulder. At first Loki stiffened, but something about her touch felt normal. He very quickly relaxed.

"Evelyn, could I perhaps ask you for a favour?"

"Of course you can."

"Would you mind attending the ball with me tonight?"

Evelyn lifted her head from Loki's shoulder to think for a moment. Why would someone of such royalty want to ask someone like her to a ball?

"I promise I won't make you dance or anything. But I would like you to come with me, only if you're feeling up to it." Loki recalled the conversation with Thyra about how Evelyn couldn't do many activities anymore.

"Loki, I would be honoured! But I don't have a dress or anything, I would look out of place compared to all the higher ups."

"Then we better head into town and buy you a new dress." Loki smiled at her acceptance.

"Loki, I couldn't possibly ask you to do that for me!"

"Don't forget darling, I am a Prince." Loki decided he would deal with his father later. He would be furious with Loki for bringing another girl to the ball when he has already arranged for a marriage, but Loki felt he wanted to do something nice for Evelyn. Besides, she's been living in these woods for so long she probably forgot the meaning of the word fun. Loki got up and held his hand out to help Evelyn up. She blushed slightly as she held onto his hand. He felt cold under her touch, yet it made her feel warm.

"Let's get to it."

NO REGRETS [l.laufeyson]Where stories live. Discover now