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     "Loki, it seems you actually tried making an effort tonight." Thor jested while digging his elbow in Loki's side.

"What's your point?" Loki asked angrily. He still couldn't be bothered for any of this. The two brothers spotted their father making his way towards them and both prepared themselves for yet another lecture.

"Thor, Loki. I must say I'm impressed." Normally, Loki would be shocked by getting an approval from Odin. But he knew what was to come, he had yet to tell Odin there was no way he was going to marry the Vanaheim girl. "Now go my sons, introduce yourselves to the other families. I expect you to be on your best behaviour. Loki, the Princess shall arrive soon. Don't stray too far."

"Whatever." Loki mumbled under his breath as he walked off.


Loki was near the back of the hall on his own. Thor had obeyed his fathers orders and was currently dancing with yet another wealthy girl. The music and the dance came to a close as Thor bid the girl farewell and joined Loki by his side again.

"You haven't danced with a single maiden yet. What do you think fathers going to say?"

"I don't care about what that old man thinks. He can't rule my life forever. Especially, when it comes to marriage."

"What happened between the two of you?" Loki and Odin may have had their problems, but Thor always seemed to be stuck in the middle and quite frankly he was fed up. He didn't think what Odin was doing was fair, especially since learning that Loki was adopted into the family. But the way Thor saw it, Odin was still Loki's father and Loki was still his son.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Odin never had any respect for me." Thor knew that wasn't true. Deep down Odin still loved Loki like his own. "Besides I'm not offering my hand to anyone tonight. I'm expecting someone."

"A girl?!" Thor may have said that a little to loud for Loki's liking as he smacked Thor on the arm.

"Quiet you oaf! She's just a friend, someone I met a little while ago."

"So that's where you've been running off to." Thor whispered. Loki rolled his eyes at Thor's childish behaviour. They both noticed Odin approaching them again. This time with the King and Princess of Vanaheim.

"My sons, may I introduce you to King Njörd and Princess Freya of Vanaheim."

"Your highness, it's a pleasure." Thor shook hands with the King and kissed the Princesses hand.

"Njörd, my friend, this is my youngest, Loki. The one I was telling you about." You could practically see Odin sweating in hope that Loki behaved. Loki bowed his head to the two royals but nothing more.

Odin and Njörd walked away, leaving their children to talk on their own. However, it seemed it was Thor and Freya doing all the talking.

"So Prince Loki, are you always this talkative?" You could hear the sarcasm in the Princesses tone.

"I'm not much of a talker." Loki's voice held no emotion. Thor cringed at how things were going between the two.

"No kidding. Well you better learn, I don't expect to do all the talking for my husband." The Princess smirked.

"Lady Freya, may I offer you a drink?" Thor grabbed a cup from a passing maid and offered it before things could get any worse.

"At least one brother has class, maybe you should take lessons my lord." Loki narrowed his eyes at the Princess while she tried smiling innocently. Thor couldn't take much more of this and grabbed a cup himself and downed it. Loki's glare was brought away from the Princess while a familiar face entered the hall.

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