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     It was getting dark and Thor still hadn't heard any different about Loki's situation. He knew Loki took the bait, but it had been a few days now and he was worried. He was pacing in his chambers, his nerves wouldn't settle. There was a gentle knock on the door and before he could instruct them to come in the door was already opening. He looked round to see Sif standing in the doorway.

"Loki has returned." Sif started. Thor let out a sad sigh already assuming the worst, he really thought it could work.

"Alright, I'll be down in a second." He replied as he turned his back around.

"Thor?" Sif called to get his attention. He looked back round to see her smiling. "He has Lyra with him."

"It worked?"

"It worked." Sif confirmed. Thor ran up to her and pulled her into a hug while letting out a relieved laugh. "She's home!"

Thor pulled away from the hug, grabbing her shoulders and shaking her excitedly before running out down the halls towards the main entrance, Sif following close behind.


The road home was longer than Loki remembered without his horse. Lyra had grown tired from walking quite quickly so Loki had to carry her, he had instructed her to sleep but like Loki, she was too stubborn and so refused. As Loki reached the palace entrance he saw two figures emerge from behind the doors, as they stepped forwards he recognised them to be Thor and Sif. He paused in his steps not knowing what to do or say. He had promised himself Thor would be the first person he made amends with, but it had been so long since he had spoken with him properly, he wasn't sure where to start. His thoughts were broken by Lyra trying to squirm her way out of his arms.

"Uncle Thor! Auntie Sif!" Lyra jumped into Thor's arms for a hug. He lifted her up spinning her in the air as Loki watched from where he stood. Lyra then called and put her arms out to Sif again who took her from Thor's arms to hold her. In that moment Loki realised all these years him and Lyra weren't the only ones affected, it also affected everyone around him that loved him and Evelyn. His eyes were still fixated on his daughter that he didn't notice Thor was now standing beside him watching Sif and Lyra interact.

"I'm glad you've decided to bring her home." Thor whispered. Loki didn't remove his eyes from the two as he listened to Thor.

"Can we talk? Not here." Loki asked and Thor nodded his head.

"Sif, would you mind taking Lyra to my chambers? She can sleep with me tonight until I get the crib removed." Loki asked. The nursery next to his room had been locked up by Loki the day after Evelyn died. It was her favourite place to be and she spent almost everyday while she was pregnant in there and he couldn't bare to look at it, now that Lyra was home he decided now would be the right time to open it up again. Lyra deserved to have the room her mother made for her. Sif nodded and carried a tired Lyra away to get her ready for bed.

Loki gestured for Thor to follow him, the two brothers walked side by side for a while without a single word being exchanged. After a few turns Thor realised where Loki was taking him. Whenever Loki felt insecure about anything he would go to his mothers personal gardens to think. When they got there Loki realised he didn't know how to start his apology. He wasn't good at that sort of thing.

"You don't blame us for trying, do you?"

"No... I should be thanking you. I was too blind to see what was truly important to me. I was lost and you helped me find my way." Thor stayed silent as Loki continued. "I owe you an apology."

"No you-"

"Yes. I do." Loki faced Thor as he silenced him. "I've hurt a lot of people since that day. I shut everyone out when they were trying to help me. I can't take that back, but I can start over. Try again for Lyra's sake"

Thor's eyes softened. He hadn't seen Loki vulnerable like this in years. This Loki stood in front of him wasn't the grieving man that was seen out every night at the tavern. No... This man was his brother.

"I'm sorry, brother." Loki held his hand out for Thor to shake as an acceptance. Thor simply smacked it away and pulled Loki in for a hug. Loki couldn't quite comprehend what was happening and froze for a few seconds before accepting Thor's gesture and wrapping his arms around him. This was a big step for Loki but he had done it. He was starting to move forwards.


Thor had offered Loki a drink but he quickly refused, he reminded Thor that he had a little girl to get back to. Thor facepalmed himself for already forgetting, he was too excited in the moment that he had his brother back. Loki knew he wasn't the only one that had to adjust. He waved Thor goodbye as they split down the hallway, both heading to their chambers.

Loki entered his quietly. He notice Sif sat on the bed stroking a sleeping Lyra's head, Sif noticed Loki arrive and stood up to walk over to him after smiling down at Lyra one last time.

"She must be tired, she went out like a candle." She whispered. "She's a precious little thing."

"She is." He smiled. "Thank you, Sif."

Sif patted Loki on the shoulder and headed to the door before Loki called her again.

"Thank you, for being there for her when I couldn't."

"Evelyn was my best friend." Sif started with a stricter tone. "I would do anything for this girl."

"Papa?" Lyra sleepily spoke interrupting the two.

"You're supposed to be asleep." Loki playfully spoke.

"I wanted to wait until you got back."

"Well, I'm back now." Sif smiled as the two interacted, she could see they both desperately needed each other. She snuck out to leave the two for the night.

"Do you promise you won't leave again?" Loki's heart dropped. It affected her a lot more than he thought.

"I promise. I'm never leaving you again."

NO REGRETS [l.laufeyson]Where stories live. Discover now