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     It had been a week since the banishment of a Odin and it was the day of Thor's coronation. Everyone was rushed off their feet and quite frankly, Loki was fed up of it all. Evelyn was discharged from Eir a few days after the incident with Freya and Amora. Her father had kept her at home and wouldn't let her out of his site, he wanted to keep her away from Loki. He hadn't even bothered returning to work.

"Please, father!"

"No! Do you have any idea how much trouble that family has caused us? I don't want you seeing him anymore!" Evelyn held her tongue even though all she wanted to do was scream. She ran off to her room leaving Erik standing there. He felt bad but he only wanted what was best for his daughter.

"Is this really the right thing for her?" Thyra had been sitting in the same room watching their argument unfold.

"I just want our daughter to stay safe."

"By taking away her happiness? What happened wasn't Loki's fault."

"Wasn't it? Since that Prince entered our daughters life he's been nothing but trouble!"

"That's a lie and you know it! He saved our daughters life!" Erik stood their shocked that his wife raised her voice at him. It was rare for her to get angry. She also stormed out the room leaving Erik alone. After a few moments he sat on the chair with his head in his hands, thinking if this really was the right thing to do.

Meanwhile, Evelyn had also heard the argument between her mother and father. She couldn't bear the thought of staying away from Loki, but she had never disobeyed her father before. She sat on her bed looking around the room before she looked at her window getting an idea. If Loki couldn't come to her, then she would go to Loki. She picked up her cloak putting it on and pulling her hood up before climbing out of her window.

"Forgive me, father." She shut the window behind her and made her way towards the palace.


Evelyn had been walking for sometime and she started getting tired as her feet were starting to ache. She emerged from the woods to see that she had come to the palace gardens. It was busy with people celebrating Thor as their new King. She looked around but couldn't recognise anyone familiar. She then looked up to the side of the palace to see a familiar figure standing on the balcony looking across the city of Asgard. She recognised it to be Loki.

She ran to the doors to enter the palace only to be grabbed by the guards.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"To see the Prince." Evelyn stuttered. She realised with her cloak and by coming through the back entrance, she seemed like and intruder.

"Of course you are, Princess." The two guards jested. "Take her to the dungeons. We'll deal with her later."

"No, wait!" She was dragged off by two other guards down the the dungeons. She called for help and tried explaining who she was but they wouldn't take any notice.

When they reached the dungeons, she was tossed into her cell like a rag doll. As she got up, the guards put the barrier up to contain her. She looked around the room to be met with some scary faces. The prisoners all looked at her like she was fresh meet, it made her skin crawl and was determined to get out of there. She called to some guards on duty in the dungeons. At first they ignored her but after some time, they eventually gave in and walked up to the cell.

"Please I need to get out of here. I'm here to see Prince Loki, I was supposed to accompany him to the coronation today."

"And I'm King Odin." The guard jested. The whole time they've worked at the palace, Loki had never let anyone accompany him anywhere unless it was his own brother. They must've not been in the ballroom that night to see her.

"No please, I'm telling the truth! At least let me speak with Lady Sif." She looked sincere. The two guards shared a look but eventually gave in.


Sif was sat next to Thor enjoying the feast while he was stuffing his face with meat and drinking rich wine.

"Still no sign of Loki I see."

"No, he refuses to come out of his chambers, he's still angry about what happened a week ago, and now his maidens father is keeping her locked away." Thor shoved a big bite of a chicken leg into his mouth as a guard approached Sif.

"Lady Sif, my sincerest apologies but one of the prisoners is requesting to meet with you."

"Who's the prisoner."

"She says her name is Evelyn." Thor almost chocked on his chicken before swallowing it. He exchanged a look with Sif before rushing down to the dungeon. As he entered he looked to the first cell to see Evelyn sat in the corner with her legs tucked into her chest. When she noticed him, she quickly stood up brushing the dust off her dress to curtsy to him.

"Thor, congratulations on being crowned King."

"Thank you." Thor replied confused. "Lady Evelyn, what are you doing here?"

"I came to see Loki." Evelyn blushed.

"Get her out of there!" Sif ordered the guards. They flinched at her tone and as quick as they could they took down the barrier. Thor held his hand out to help her down the steps.

"Lady Evelyn, your father made it very clear he does not want you coming here." Sif spoke.

"I know, I know. But he can't keep me locked up forever, this is my life and he can't tell me what to do."

"I'll take you home." Sif held her hand out to grab Evelyn's arm but she backed away.

"First, let me speak with Loki. Then, and only then... I will return home." Sif glanced over to Thor who seemed stuck on what to do. Evelyn sure was stubborn.

"Okay fine. You have half an hour... max. Then you will be escorted home."

"Thank you, Thor!" Evelyn squeezed him in a hug before realising she was touching the King as she pulled away and quietly apologised.

NO REGRETS [l.laufeyson]Where stories live. Discover now