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     Loki sat on his horse as he strolled through the forest. He was confused and felt like he had only just woken up, he just didn't know how he got there.

As he took in his surroundings everything started to come together. It was blurry but these images still flashed through his mind. There was a girl, he took her shopping, brought her to a ball, he kissed her, married her and then died in his arms.

Then there was a little girl. Almost identical to the other girl but some features were different, they belonged to someone else. He saw as he took her to the field, the same golden fields his mother used to take him and Thor. He saw him holding the little girl while she cried in his arms. He saw all his friends surrounding this girl, they all looked so happy, and so did he. Then he saw the young girl die in his arms, just like that other girl.

As he emerged from the corner it suddenly clicked as to where he was. The same tree he came across when he was younger, and sat by that tree was the same girl he thought about.

He had seen this exact moment just now, he realised he had a vision of his life. It was so real, like he had already lived it. Now he had to figure out what to do. Does he take that life that seemed so painful, or does he just walk away?

He sat on his horse for what seemed like forever contemplating what to do. He studied the girl thoroughly when he realised that even though that life was painful, he could see how that girl had changed him and how loved he was. He felt every emotion with every vision that he saw. He wanted to feel that love and he wanted the chance at a life with a family, a real family. As he was watching that girl he felt she was the one, there was no changing that. But did he honestly want to go through that again?

He turned to walk away but he suddenly stopped. It was like a magnet was keeping him in place refusing to let him go, but deep down he knew it was because he didn't want to. He wanted her.

"Excuse me?" The girl closed her book quickly, shocked to see anyone this far out in the woods. "I'm sorry but if i may ask, what are you doing this far in the woods on your own?"

"I should be asking you the same thing." She smiled.


{ five years later }

"Lyra!" Hollered Thor from down the hallway.

Little giggles could be heard from behind a curtain and underneath, Thor could see two little feet poking out from underneath.

"Got you now!" Thor ripped the curtain away just as he saw the figure shimmer away. "An illusion?"

"Loki!" Thor called out.

"Yes, brother." Loki emerged from around the corner with Lyra on his shoulders and a smirk on his face.

"Ah I see what's going on here. Was this your doing?" Thor pointed a snake towards the two. "I was trying to enjoy a glass of mead when this snake appeared in my cup."

"What snake uncle Thor?" Lyra asked acting good clueless. Her mischief clearly taking after Loki. Thor felt liquid dripping from his hand and realised the snake and been turned back into his drink. He shook his hand and licked the remaining droplets off before wiping his hand in his cape.

"You two better watch it or I will get your grandmother." He joked pointing to Lyra. Both Loki and Lyra stopped laughing for a moment and Loki let her down as she started squirming.

"Get your grandmother for what?" Frigga's voice echoed as she walked down the hallway to her sons.

"It was Papa's idea." Lyra quickly said pointing to her father. Loki pointed back to his daughter and mouthed 'it wasn't me' to his mother.

"Nothing out of the ordinary then." She smiled. "Why don't you run off now, I must speak with your father."

Lyra nodded and Frigga placed a kiss on her head before she ran down the hallway, the maids trying to keep up with her. Loki smiled at the interaction. He's so thankful to still have his mother here to see his daughter grow up, especially after the scare they had seven years ago when Frigga was ambushed through the forest while on her way to visit an orphanage. Luckily for her, Amora was nearby and after saving her life, Frigga granted the Enchantress the right to live in the kingdom again.

"Walk with me." Frigga called upon Loki and he quickly caught up with her. "The King wishes to have a ball to make the announcement tonight."

"We're not ready mother, you know this. He knows this." Loki grabbed her hand to stop her.

"My son." She placed a hand on his cheek and his gaze softened. "Your father may not be able to show it all that well, but his heart is always in the right place. Please know this."

Loki nodded softly before placing a kiss on his mothers cheek and walking in the direction of his chambers.


"My love-" Loki started as he entered his chambers but was interrupted by the sight in front of him. There sat Evelyn braiding Lyra's hair while singing to her. Over the years after meeting Evelyn in the woods, everything became much clearer. He realised he had actually lived that life, and to this day he never understood why he was given a second chance but he always had a feeling it had something to do with Frigga. But to this day he never knew for certain. As for Evelyn and Lyra, their illness never existed in this new life of theirs. When Loki first started courting Evelyn again he told her the truth. He knew she wouldn't run but it sounded crazy. She accepted it and believed him and accepted his wish having monthly check ups with Eir just to be sure.

Once Lyra was born he knew that curse was gone, both his wife and daughter were healthy and that illness that ruined their life before was no more.

"Papa!" His daughter ran into his arms and he lifted her into a hug while Evelyn got up out of the chair to walk over to him.

"Why don't you take Rose with you and pick out a dress for tonight?" Loki said to his daughter placing her down again and gesturing for Rose to take her to her room next door. Rose was Eir's apprentice at the time of Lyra's birth but decided to stick around and become Lyra's personal maid. Lyra loved Rose like a big sister and they did everything together. If Evelyn's parents weren't available due to their growing business with the bakery, she was good at getting Lyra out of the way when Loki and Evelyn wanted some time alone together.

Once Lyra and Rose were out of the room Evelyn walked up to Loki and placed her hands on his face kissing him softly. "What's the matter? You seem stressed."

"Odin wants us to make the announcement tonight." Loki said pulling her to the rocking chair and sitting down with Evelyn on his lap.

"That's okay."

"No, it's not-" Loki started but was interrupted with Evelyn's lips on his. She knew why he didn't want to make the announcement. Even to this day he had the fear that everything would suddenly slip away from him, he believed making any good announcements would jinx things.

"It is." She smiled. "We will all be okay, none of us are leaving you."

He kissed her and she grabbed his hand placing it on her swollen belly. She was starting to show more everyday so she knew why Odin wanted to alert the kingdom of her pregnancy. "You're stuck with us forever."

"Is that so." He smirked mischievously. Just as he started kissing down her neck, his daughter caning running in showing her dress off to her parents.

"You look beautiful." Evelyn exclaimed as she picked her daughter up spinning her around. Loki watched from afar at his family. Evelyn was right, he didn't have to fear about losing them anymore.

This was his life and they weren't going anywhere.

NO REGRETS [l.laufeyson]Where stories live. Discover now