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     It was a long ride back to the palace and Evelyn kept drifting in and out of consciousness. Loki managed to get her to take her medicine before lifting her onto his horse, but she was still tired. She only heard parts of Thor's and Loki's conversation, but she was still confused by what was going on. She wasn't sure why she had been targeted.

"Odin must've known about this."

"Don't assume anything yet, Loki. You can't be sure."

"Can't I? You saw his face in the throne room, he knew something was going on. He wasn't exactly shocked."

"Well we'll get her home first and then-"

"No! I'm taking her back to the palace. I want Eir to take a look at her. I will send Sif to inform her parents of her whereabouts."

"Is that a good idea with Freya still there?"

"I won't let her control my life. I will kill her if I have to."

"That wouldn't be wise brother."

"Who said I was wise?"

"Let me at least handle Freya. I don't want you getting into anymore trouble. If you can help it, stay away from her and Njörd."

"My pleasure." Loki held Evelyn closer, after that she drifted back to sleep and didn't hear anymore.


"Where did you say Amora was?" Fandral had just finished tightening his horses girth, they were about to head out.

"The west side of the woods. We need to be quick, she has Evelyn."

"I will slaughter that witch where she stands." Volstagg swung his sword, imagining cutting off her head.

"Evelyn? Is that the maiden Loki brought to the ball?" Hogun asked as they all mounted their horses.

"Yes so we must-" Sif was cut off as they saw Loki and Thor appear with an unconscious Evelyn. "Thor!"

"Hogun, please fetch us Eir, and fast!" Hogun dismounted and ran off to find Eir as Thor instructed. All the others dismounted and helped Evelyn and Loki down.

"What did she do to her?" Sif touched the girls forehead to feel her burning up.

"She didn't do anything..."

"It doesn't look like she did nothing." Volstagg spat.

"She kept her there way too long though, she needs Eir's care. I need to get her up to my chambers, Sif will you inform her parents?"

"Yes of course, I'll ride out now." Sif mounted back up.

"Thank you, follow the trail at the east side of the forest, you will come across a cottage. Bring her parents back if they wish." Sif gave a nod and kicked her horse on.

"Take her on up, I'll deal with Odin."

"Thank you." Loki nodded to Thor before rushing up to his room.


"She needs her rest, but she will be fine." Eir walked towards the door as Loki held it open.

"Thank you Eir, I appreciate it."

"She must be more careful. I've treated her before when she was just a child, but this disease could be fatal."

"I understand." Loki nodded to Eir as she left, shutting the door behind her.

"Loki?" Evelyn had started to wake as Loki rushed over to her side.

NO REGRETS [l.laufeyson]Where stories live. Discover now