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"Will you marry me?"


Evelyn didn't need to think twice about answering. He was the one, and since gaining her memories, it was all the more reason to stay with him forever.

"Are you sure?"


"Even though I'm pathetic and a Frost Giant?"

"Being a Frost Giant doesn't change who you are... it's a part of you and I love every inch of you." Evelyn pulled her head from his chest to look up at him. "Besides I'm pathetic too, so we'll be pathetic together."

This earned a chuckle from Loki at her jest, and she was glad to see him smile. He brought his hand up to hold her face, studying every detail. He thought to himself how lucky he was to have her, he would be nothing without her in his life.

"We should be heading back, darling. Your parents would get worried if we don't return soon." Evelyn pouted and snuggled back into his chest.

"Can't we stay like this a little longer?" Evelyn asked and Loki sighed.

"Okay, just a little while."


After travelling back to Asgard, Evelyn returned home to tell her parents the news of her engagement. You could picture their faces now. Thyra was thrilled for her daughter, but Erik on the other hand, not so much. Deep down he hated the thought of his daughter leaving home and marrying Loki, but he decided to hold his tongue. Loki had returned to the palace to question Thor of what he learnt during his visit to Midgard.

"Did you know?" The two brothers stood on the balcony overlooking the city. Thor rested both hands on the side while holding his head down. Loki already knew his answer.

"How long have you known?" Thor kept quiet, guilt taking over his body. "Tell me!"

"My memories of Evelyn in our younger days is nothing more than a blur. As for your heritage... father told me the day of the ball." Loki scoffed at Thor's answer. All that trust he put into his older brother had suddenly vanished. "Believe me Loki, I wanted to tell you. I was only obeying fathers orders."

"So you were just going to let him sell me off like some relic."

"Loki, no that's not-"

"You knew of what Evelyn meant to me, but you were going to let Odin separate us... again!"

"Loki those were never my intentions!"

"Then what were you intentions?! Please, enlighten me." Loki bowed sarcastically.

"I think the world of you, Loki. But at the end of the day, father always got what he wanted... what did you expect me to do?" Thor explained and Loki scoffed at him. "I fought for you brother, know that."

"Don't call me that." Loki gritted through his teeth before walking away.

"Loki! Where are you going?!"

"Anywhere but here!" Loki kept walking away but Thor soon charged after him. He caught up to his brother and grabbed his shoulder to stop him.

"Wait a moment and listen to me!" Thor raised his voice but Loki didn't back down. He tore his shoulder from Thor's grip glaring daggers at him. "Father is gone. I am crowned King and there are no longer threats towards you or Lady Evelyn. Can't we just forget this and move on?"

"How could I just forget years of secrecy? How can I forget that this was never my home? How can I forget that I am a Jotun? A monster parents tell there children about at night!" Thor could see the anger and sadness is Loki's eyes. Even now, he desperately struggles to make sense of it all. "How could I ever trust anyone again?"

"You can trust me." Thor pleaded.

"I want to trust you..." Loki thought to all the times him and Thor spent together growing up. He looked up to his brother. When he was struggling, Thor was there to help. When they were in battle, Thor would be there to protect him. During the struggles between him and Odin, Thor stayed by his side. But he could not forgive him so easily. "But I can't. I need time."

Loki stepped back away from Thor to give them space. "I will be leaving with Evelyn for a while."

"How long?" Thor's expression saddened more, he had never seen Loki like this.

"That is undecided." Loki replied.

"What would Lady Evelyn's parents have to say about the matter?" Thor hoped that they would disagree. He hated seeing Loki like this and since Odins words of Loki's hidden powers, he feared for him. He wasn't sure if he could control them physically and mentally.

"She is over there discussing the situation as we speak. We leave at sundown."

"But where would you go?"

"That is none of your concern. I expect you to stay away and not bother us, I have already spoken to Heimdall. If I can trust you again, you need to leave me be."

Thor was torn. He wanted to look out for his brother. Not only for Loki but also for Evelyn. But he was desperate to gain Loki's trust.

"On one condition..." Loki turned back to Thor as he called for Loki walking away. Loki raised a brow. "If anything goes wrong or you are in need of help, summon me and I will be there."

Loki hesitantly nodded before walking away again.

"I mean it Loki!" Thor bellowed down the hall as Loki closed the door behind him. No more words exchanged. Thor could only hope that the trip would remain short.

Thor let out a loud sigh as he kept his eyes on the door Loki walked out of for a few minutes. He hadn't realised Sif was nearby watching him. Out of anger he punched a nearby pillar causing a massive dent and a crack that made its way up to the top.

"Thor!" Sif called and ran to him to pull him away. Thor pulled himself out of her grasp and returned to the balcony, once again leaning over the side with his hands on his head. Sif stood underneath the archway as she watched him for a moment.

"I've ruined everything... if only I told him."

"That's not true, there was nothing you could do. You couldn't defy the Allfather!"

"He's my little brother, I should've protected him."

"You can't protect him from the truth." Once seeing that Thor had calmed down, Sif walked to stand beside him.

"He seemed different, who knows what he is capable of now."

"So would you be if you found out you were a Frost Giant. Besides, he wouldn't do anything to harm Evelyn."

"That may be true, but I can't help but worry for both of them."

"Why worry? You should be happy for them." Thor gave Sif a questioning look. "He didn't tell you?"

"Didn't tell me what?" Thor's voice sounded stern. "Sif?"

"Loki asked Lady Evelyn to marry him." Sif said.

Thor looked shocked at the news, but couldn't help but smile with tears in his eyes.

"Who knew Loki would ever go that far?" Thor chuckled.

"He better not ruin it."

NO REGRETS [l.laufeyson]Where stories live. Discover now