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     "You should have told me you planned on marrying." Thor stood with Loki on the balcony of his chambers. Fandral had informed Evelyn's parents of her return and brought them to the palace to spend time with their daughter. They were currently in Loki's chambers and Thor had asked Loki to speak with him.

"It was a last minute decision." Loki replied bluntly.

"No it wasn't." Thor chuckled. "Lady Sif informed me of your plans."

Loki remained silent. After all this time he was still angry with his brother.

"Though Odin would not have allowed it, I would've been supportive of your decision."

"I know." Loki sighed. "But I was angry with you... I still am."

"I truly am sorry." Thor was being honest and Loki could see it. But he still felt he couldn't forgive him that easily. "Lady Evelyn is a magnificent woman, she's good for you."

Loki smirked slightly at the thought of his wife but couldn't let Thor see.

"I guess I should go say hello to my sister-in-law." Thor patted Loki on the shoulder and walked away. "It's good to have you back brother."

"It's good to be home." Loki whispered when Thor was out of earshot.

Thor smiled to himself. He was happy that his brother was home. He was at ease knowing he was safe. He went to grab the handle when suddenly one of the guards burst in. Loki turned his attention to the guard who almost bumped into Thor in the process.

"Your majesty! My apologies, but I have been sent for Prince Loki." The guard spoke. Loki raised a brow as to what the guard could be on about.

"My lord, the Lady Evelyn has taken ill, she has been rushed to the medical wing under Eir's care." The guard bowed his head. Loki's eyes widened and without having to hear another word, he ran down to the medial ward. Thor followed not far behind after dismissing the guard.


"Honestly I am fine, there's no need to worry." Evelyn was trying to push her mother's hands away from her face after being fussed over.

"You may be, but we need to keep a close eye on you just in case." It was Thyra who had found Evelyn collapsed on the ground after being sick.

"Mother we have spoken about this, you can't keep protecting me." Evelyn sat up and held her mother's hands to stop her from acting frantic.

"All the while I am breathing my darling daughter, I will protect you." Her mother replied. Evelyn smiled back at her as Loki came bursting in. He was out of breathe and let out a sigh of relief when he saw Evelyn the sat up in the bed.

"T-the guard sent for me... he told me-"

"I'm fine Loki, my parents were just overreacting." She smiled.

"I would barely call it overreacting." Eric walked into the room with Eir behind him. He gave Loki the coldest stare you could imagine. Everyone else seemed confused, but Loki glared back at him not backing down from his gaze. Eir pushed Eric back a few steps pulling his gaze from Loki and walking back out the room.

"My Prince, Lady Evelyn, I must congratulate you." Eir spoke.

Thyra instantly picked up on what was going on, her eyes grew big but so did her smile. Evelyn's breathe hitched and she was expecting what was going on but didn't quite believe it. Loki still stood by the door with his arms crossed and his eyebrows furrowed.

"You are carrying a child."

NO REGRETS [l.laufeyson]Where stories live. Discover now