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     After Erik and Loki's talk they made their way back to the cottage. Loki made Erik promise he would tell Evelyn the truth.

"So, I've known Loki my whole life?" Evelyn was sat at the table in front of her mother and father, meanwhile Loki was stood in the doorway cross-armed listening to the story again.

"Yes, I hope you can forgive me. I only did it to keep you safe." Evelyn sat there looking at her hands taking in this new information. She hated that her parents kept this from her. She looked over to Loki. She could tell he was furious about this. She got up and walked over to him and held his face to meet his eyes with hers.

"And we can get our memories back?" She asked as Loki brought his hands up to stroke hers.

"Only if you wish to my love." Loki replied. Evelyn's face softened as she heard the worry in his voice. She rested her forehead on his as she closed his eyes.

"Of course, we'll do this together. But I don't want to waste another second."

"We must head out now then, before it gets too late." Evelyn nodded to Loki before turning to her parents and holding their hands.

"You need to let me live my life. I'm an adult now and soon enough I'm going to move on, you can't protect me forever." She pulled both her parents into a hug. As she did that Erik looked up at Loki. His face showed he trusted him. Loki nodded in understanding before he held his hand out for Evelyn to take.

"Let's go."


Loki rode out to the Bifrost with Evelyn. He wanted to avoid his father no matter what, but he wanted his memories back. He wanted to remember spending his life with Evelyn. At the end of the bridge, they were welcomed by Heimdall.

"Prince Loki, Lady Evelyn. I saw you coming."

"Of course you did." Loki rolled his eyes.

"You knew we were coming?"

"That I did Lady Evelyn, as did Odin. He's waiting for you."

"Where is he?" Loki tensed at the thought of seeing his father again. But going there to retrieve his memories wasn't the only reason. He needed to find out what secret Odin had been keeping from him.

"Norway, on Midgard."

"Midgard! Wow that's exciting." Evelyn's face beamed. She had always read books of Midgard and had always wished to one day travel there. Loki took a deep breath as he grabbed Evelyn's hand again.

"Are you ready?"

"I'm more than ready." Evelyn smiled up at him. Loki pulled her close to him as they were engulfed by the bright light.


As they arrived on Midgard, Loki released Evelyn allowing her to take in the view as he looked around himself. Norway was quite a step down from Asgard. The buildings were small and run down. The waves crashed below against the rocks and it looked like a storm was brewing.

"Bit of a step back from the throne."

"I think it's incredible." Loki was slightly confused but when he looked over to Evelyn, he understood what she meant. The sun was just starting to peak through the clouds and shining on the ocean below making it shimmer. Evelyn looked down across the cliff side to see a familiar face. "Loki, is that him?"

Loki looked across to where Evelyn was pointing to. There stood Odin, his clothes were baggy and he looked worn down. Loki took a deep breath before walking towards his father, Evelyn following a little behind.

NO REGRETS [l.laufeyson]Where stories live. Discover now