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     Months had passed and Evelyn was getting bigger by the day. She had also been increasingly bedridden due to the morning sickness. Eir had been keeping an eye on her personally to ensure she was healthy and safe.

As time went by, Loki and Thor's relationship seemed to have improved. Loki was now starting to trust him again, he was even starting to call Thor his brother again. He was getting back to his normal life of being a Prince. While Evelyn was resting, he was visiting the poorer villages with Thor. Thor's main focus was to make Asgard great again. Since Frigga's death, Odin became sloppy with ruling as King. Sure, he took care of keeping alliances strong but he forgot the importance of keeping his own Kingdom happy.

Loki wanted to stay home in case anything were to happen, but Evelyn insisted that he went with Thor. She told him she would be okay and that Eir was taking good care of her as well as her mother and father. Loki made her promise that she would tell him if she didn't feel right in any sort of way.

After a long day, Loki returned back to the palace and headed straight for his chambers to check on his wife.

As he got to his chambers, he walked in to see Evelyn sat up in bed laughing with Sif who was sat with her to keep her company. The two looked to the Prince and their laughter died down.

"Loki! Welcome home." Evelyn said excitedly.

"Anyway, I best get going. I will come by to visit you tomorrow Evelyn." Sif smiled and walked out the door waving the two goodbye.

"I never knew you two were close." Loki spoke.

"Are you kidding? Sif is like a best friend to me. She looks after me well." Evelyn smiled.

"I'm glad you get along." Loki kissed her temple. "Have you had a chance to eat today?"

"I've managed to eat a little more today."

"Is there not any medicine that could help?" Loki sat down on the bed next to her and felt her forehead.

"Not when it come to the morning sickness but there are things that can help with the nausea. I get sick just drinking water so I have to get my fluids with ice cubes." As she said that Loki spotted a bowl of ice cubes on the bedside table, it must of been what Sif brought up. He picked up the bowl and offered an ice cube to her, which she kindly accepted. "But altogether I'm feeling much better."

"That's good to hear." Loki said as he moved one hand to her stomach.

"I'm thinking I can start moving about again soon."

"Are you sure?"

"Loki I'm bored of being on bed rest. I need to do something." She whined.

"Okay." He chuckled at her pouting face. "How about tomorrow we start by walking through the gardens?"

"I do love the gardens." She sighed.


A few more days passed and Eir cleared Evelyn to move around again. She was down in the gardens again with Loki, linking arms with him for support as she admired the new flowers that had been planted.

"I never get bored of this place." Evelyn sighed.

"It is rather beautiful." Loki hummed. "My mother spent most of her time in these gardens, she practically grew it herself."

"I'm so glad I got my memories back of her. She was a true angel." She rested her head on his shoulder. Suddenly she felt something in her stomach, Loki saw her react to this and stopped walking to look at her. "I think the baby just kicked."

"It did?" Loki gestured her to a nearby stone bench. Evelyn sat down and Loki knelt in front of her to feel her stomach. As she looked into Loki's eyes, she saw how excited he was. She couldn't wait to gift this baby to him. She knew he would be an incredible father. He would spoil this baby and teach it everything it needs to know.

"How about we come up with a name?" She asked.

"I think it's time we did." He smiled. "But we'll need to pick one out for a boy and a girl."

"Well what sort of name would you like?"

"How about you pick the name? My name will already be included anyway." Loki said still kneeling down.

"I was always fond of my grandmothers name. Lyra..." Evelyn sighed reliving the memories she spent with her grandmother. "It means brave. And for a boy... Vali. It means powerful and strong."

"Lyra Lokidottir or Vali Lokison... They're perfect." Loki smiled as he pulled her in for a kiss. Everything he did made her feel special. Every kiss he gave her always left her with butterflies. "I can't wait."

NO REGRETS [l.laufeyson]Where stories live. Discover now