Chapter 2. Tiny steps

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I wanted to say this, any spelling errors or grammar being just utterly bad is on me, please don't point it out.

Not me being a pussy to comments but, I've always had people judging the stupid stuff of my books. Say whatever u want but not abt my spelling choices 😍


Player stared at Y/N a little confused.

"Who is this lady? Don't think I've seen her at all before.." He stood there next to the door averting your gaze to look at Cashier.

Cashier just shrugged as you spoke.

"I.. moved here recently and my tire was popped and this guy helped me out" You pointed at Cashier with ur thumb as Player nodded his head.

"Story adds up, guess you're not what I thought you were" Player snickered.

You rolled your eyes.

"Ah, before Player interrupted me.. My name is Cashier" He said.

"Cashier?" You repeated. "Cashier" He said again.

'Odd.. Name? I mean, he works at this place as a cashier... W-who named him-?'

"Anyways, enough of this yip yap I need some orange juice" Player spat as he walked to the shelf closet to the ice cream container.

"No need for rushing, but fine. I'll get to my post, the dude I called should be here any second as well" He said as he sighed and went to his counter, where the cash register stayed.

Player was humming as he went to Cashier and dropped the orange cup on the counter.

'They have, odd names. But mine isn't so quite unique either..'

You looked at shop finally getting to notice everything. To the vending machines full of nice cold colas and beer to the ice cream machine thingy and the grey door behind Cashier.

'Wonder what that door leads too..' Y/N felt her body move towards the door but flinch as Player walked out the door in front of her.

Player waved his bye's towards Cashier and left. Making the door's bell dingle.

"Well wasn't that a great conversation for today" He yawned.

"Mhmm.." You agreed as you looked outdoors. Pressed the window near the shelf you realized it was broken and looked shattered. Curious to ask you looked back at Cashier who's head was down.

Looking back at the window You start to jitter. 'What did happen? And.. Why does this spot give off, weird vibes..'

Clutching your thoughts hard. As if your life depended on it.

The door opened, revealing someone taller than Player.

"Hey, here to fix the ol' bike ya told me bout" He said as he walked towards Cashier.

"Yeah of course. The bike is outside near my car, could you fix it for, her?" Cashier looked at you as the other man did as well.

"New to town ay? I can tell by the chill vibe ya got. Now listen.." He got closer. "This ain't ya ordinary place.. It got crazy wonders in it and I ain't think you ready for that sorta thang, so keep ye back straight and keep an keen eye. Don't wanna end up like the others ey. Hmph, mah names Dad by the way" He winked at you, you backed up.

You shivered. What he said wasn't welcoming whatsoever, more like a threat to your eyes.

"Anywho let's go. Don't keep me waitin kay?" Dad walked out of the store as You and Cashier followed.

Trying to ease off your worries you chose to just focus on getting your bike fixed quickly so you could get home.

"Hm, a lid can bit the poor thang. Too bad I mean, he walked near the vending machine round the shop and got an air pump to come back with.

"This oughta do it!" He smirked and stuck the thing into the tire. He started pumping and pumping till it was full, looked like a balloon at this point.

He released the thing from the tire and put it besides him. "Looks good as new don't she?" He chuckled and took the pump as he started to walk off.

"That's all I can do for ya, hopefully it work out cuz I don't think I can stay here for long. Mah son may just start a dang'on fire again. Heh, that boy.. See y'all folks later" He put his hands in his pocket and started off into street.

"Bye" Cashier waved.

You stood there quiet. You didn't feel the need to speak.

Cashier's eyes furrowed. "Bike should be good now, you can go. I won't keep you for long" He said with a smile. "I'll be here everyday, drop by. Your company was.. Nice" He almost looked upset.

"Ah, of course. I'll probably buy some snacks from time to time! I'll see you later then?" You got on your bike as he nodded. "Goodbye"

You set off to your humble abode. Today was a good day, met a few people and had some great fun. Excluding, some things..

'Starting to think Player and Dad are.. Family? They looked alike. Guess I should ask one of them sometime'

Y/N stopped at her house and got off her bike to put it in her garage.

"Now.. I can relax" You say with ease.

Going in the house You pass the kitchen and grab a cup and fill it with water. Drinking it thuruly Y/N walked to her bed and set the cup on the brown dresser beside her.

Looking at the clock it was about 7pm. Not the best time to get rest considering it seemed early but you've been driving your bike with so much energy in your body it would just be torture to stay up longer.

Setting your alarm you lie in bed, covering yourself in a light red blanket you snuggled it letting time pass as you fallasleep.


Yuhh so I wanted to give some personality to Dad & Player.

Dad is like the typical dad but with this farm taste to him! I'd like to make him kinda cheesy as well.

For Player... More like the teen trying to be cool?



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