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tw; drinking ig :(

just little things i wanna point out for this book, its not like they dont have actual lives and just do endings.. its an actual story w/gore/romance/etc! So id like to make more little ref thingys for easier understanding!

Player; He is a not exactly a bright one.. He honestly acts all tough to seem "cool" He is very energetic and whatever seems fun he will try/do.  His childhood went by fairly quick, considering his childish acts. He has no memory of his mom so he thinks that seagulls DO give parents kids. But y/n and cashier will show Player how it works /j

Relation status (Players opinion)
(Player & Cashier; Big bro stuffs. Player & Dummy, 4lifers. Dad and him.. Distant but still together..

Dad(milf); He is somewhat an achoholic..? He is trying to stop.. instead of achohal its milk, which Player laughs at him when he pranks him w/a milk cartoon of cheese. He never put his hands on Player but did say a few things he didnt mean, he made Player do more than he should when he was younger but all is good!!

He sometimes disciplines Player by yelling to this day.. Which is normal!!

(Btw the mom divorced which made him wanna drink, lore coming soon! ;) And he is pretty flirty, sighhhh)

Relationship status(his opinions)
(Dad & Player, distant. he still loves his kid.. Dummy & him? Dont see a good bond. Cashier & him? Like beer buddies
(Cash dont drink btw-)

Cashier; He kinda had to work at a somewhat young age, considering his ishsucky uptight attiude since he has to put up w/Player. Hes not *too* annoyed by him and kind of enjoys his company. He isnt aware of Players backround so he often judges player but thinks hes funny&silly. Cashier likes playing w/cards and board games too, ehhh he rarely smokess-??? Again, he wants to quit.

Relation statuses; (HIS OPINION)

(Him & Dad are cool buds, Dummy and him, like childhood bffs, Player and him, like older sib.

Dummy; He was really just sheltered all his life so he doesnt know much execpt mostly about Cashier, some info about Player but doesnt know y/n too much, hes curious, would you let him check you out?

Relation status (HIS OPINION)

Cashier & Him, very good buddies he loves him (PLATONIC.)

Player & Dummy.. Like the heros of a story, who sometimes argue.

(Player saved Dummy, so ya, loyalty. He almost shares everything w/him! Please, please do not ship them..)

Dad and him.. Ehh... He knows what he did to player and is taking some time to forgive him,,

__ __ __
Kyu; Normal square really, just abnormal and fancylike. He hasnt shown up yet so i wont spoil too much. For their relations; All netural, Dad doesnt recall the duo, either does Y/N

Circle; the mute one. I hc circle being female?? Ig? Idk?? I ship her w/kyu- IK THEYRE OBKECTS LEAVENME ALONE🥺🥺 She is highly observant and doesnt mean to cause mayhem so she often has guilt but hides it. Shes like a moving bug/glitch that break shit.

For their relations.. Cashier kind of despises them. Dad doesnt know them two, neither does y/n.

uhh for Y/N her inner thoughts are tearing her apart inside, so her mind is crying in pain
(might change pronouns to they/them later on, but in their eyes ur feminine. cuz im mean >;]!!)

and yes  ill update soonnn i swear ihave an idea in mind dw if i made a mistake ill fix it laterrr

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