(F) Puddle lover

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smh. I really thought i ate.😪


Cw; Suggestive. Con Touching & Uhhhhh... I was gonna add non nsfw bondage but I chose not to🐌

anwyays enjoy its kinda quick


It was, maybe around midnight? Wishing you had an umbrella you whined softly as the rain poured the neighborhood. It caused you to shiver, the rain wasn't expected to be this bad.

You muttered to yourself..

Footsteps begain to arise behind you, you flinched. And looked back to see.. Cashier..? Huh?

"Y/N! Gosh. I didn't notice you until I got closer, here." He grabbed your waist and lulled you to his chest. It felt warm and fuzzy...

"O-oh..!" You blushed heavily as he didn't notice whilst gazing forward with his arm at your waist area still.

"You're in the rain at this hour? Why?" He asked, your walk corasponding with his. "Erm.. I was only looking for my new apartment but, I couldn't find it so I ended up on my phone panicking till it started to rain.." You felt slight embarrasment, it wasn't everyday your roomate was pretty terrible and made you move out.

"I see. Focus on getting warm though, we're almost here." He said with a comforting voice.. Not seductive although it made you feel.. a type of way.

Even if you were soaking wet it didn't eride the feeling of being in cashiers arms.. You gazed at his form and felt weak. 'So.. Perfect~' You thought to yourself.

Your thoughts were drowining out the fact that you arrived to a spacious but small comfy home. "Y/N, Welcome to my home. I'm not exactly sure if you saw it or not." He nodded for you to walk inside. You did so.

Getting in You first smelt a scent of Cashier.. Oh, it was nice..?

Cashier closed his umbrella and put it on a hook, and grabbing your coat off. You didn't realize it at first so You flinched. "Sorry if that scared you, I'll ask next time.." He said, taking the coat to preassumbly the dryer.

"...It's quite alright" You murmured, walking into the living room to sit. Fatiuge ruined You but the sudden urge to feel the arms of Cashier around You felt mandatory.

He walked into the living room and sat down. "Are you cold? Y/N?" He asked, his eyes meeting yours. "Kind..of?" You shyly responded.

Unexpectedly he wrapped his arms around You and cuddled. Your body laid on his warm chest, even to hear his heartbeats.. Snuggling into his chest You hesitantly bit on his shoulder. You noticed he didn't move or anything till You heard him moan softly.

"Ah-.. Is this what You wanted from me~?" He asked. It gave a shiver down Your spine, Your head unconciously nodded and he kissed you on the lips, His tongue slivering into yours your heart pounded out of your chest. Blood rushed towards your cheeks and you were red.

Cashier chuckled a little as he slowly made his hand into your shirt and rubbed around before pinning you down to the couch. Your lips still intact you loved it.. He took his hand out of your shirt and let you breathe, saliva drizzled all over the place and left you stranded with dizzy thoughts.

"You like that huh~?" He smirked and covered Your mouth before sucking his teeth into Your neck. He licked and Your body throbbed in sugary goodness. "Mmmf..~" You let out, although it was muffled.. You shook in pleasure.

"P-please.. Call me You-rs.."

"Of course~ I wouldn't let you go even if you begged on four legs my dear.."

im goijg to make crk x readers soonn....im kinda uh cravin..g.🦻❤

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