Chapter 4. Cautious

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^ Integrity_BalletBoy Thats their name now!

SHE MAKES GOOD BOOKS AND EVEN HAS A DUMMY X READER FROM GASA4AM~! It's a very cute book and I love it!!!

I wanted to give them clothes like she did as well!! Hope that's okay- I should've asked..

Cashier: He has his lil green visor and usually wears a sea green sweater with NO hood. With the little collar popping out. He has a blackish brown hair. He also wears brown shoessss.

I have no taste in fashion..

Dummy however, just wears whatever; but he mostly wears jeans and a navy hoodie.. Sometimes he wears gloves!! He has black straight hair. He wears socks, never really shoes, if so shoes then he wears dark red sneakers.

Player just wears t shirts mostly with grey/black gloves. He has brown fluffy hair. He wears these high tops with dinosaur stickers.

Dad wears tank tops and acts like a teenager again, wearing stuff around his waist. He trys to get close to player.. :-) he wears these black rubber boots. And has brown hair with white strips.

Heh, Dummy gets his fashion from Player. They're friends.

Anywhooo let's get to the story >:)

Maybe spelling errors 🧍‍♂️


Y/N was full of eating a bunch of ice cream cones. She looked over at Dummy who was still munching on them.

'Damn that dude can eat..'
You stretched your arms forward and leaned back on wall near Cashier as Dummy was just leviating near the ice cream machine.

It started to get cooler which was a good sign, considering it was about.. 5ish assuming from the dim lighting outside.

"You've been living in a small black box with a table, a small TV, and some food you said?" Y/N asked a little concern in her voice.

"Y-yeah.." He playfully scratched at his neck. "I got out since Player found me a way.. I grant him my life really" Dummy blushed in embarrassment while twindling with his fingers.

"It's been about three months since I got out and.. It's still hard for me to talk to people" He rolled his eyes. "Player told me people can be bitchy anyways" He laid in the air and made his feet cross.

Cashier started to wake up as he rubbed his head and sat on the counter. "Are you good?" Dummy asked him.

"I'm fine, just have a small headache.. O-oh Dummy! You're here, that's how the door opened. Thanks." He said as he groaned.

"Of course man, I wouldn't leave y'all in there. Even for my ammusment" He said cheery.

"Glad he was there and hopefully that goes away soon.. The weather got cooler so that's a relief" You reassured him.

"Ah, that's good.. Look's like you both are friends already" He said. "Yeah!" You felt energetic. "Uh huh.." Dummy nodded.

You felt your legs have the urge to move around. "Would you guys like to come ride with me?" You smirked.

"Ahhuh I don't kno-"
"Sure, sounds fun"

"Let's go!" You ran out of the store as Dummy took Cashiers hand and walked out behind you.

You got on your bike and let Cashier get on. "Make sure to go slow.. I've never been on a bike before" He said.

"First time eh? You seem kind of willing to get on with me" You were a little confused by that but nonetheless you shrugged it off.

Cashier kept quiet as Dummy was flying beside you. You put your feet on the petals and began riding. Away from the shop you both went!

Down the street, turning at curves and laughing. Making memories..

"Wanna race?" Dummy suggested with a snort. "Hell yeah!" You gave a smirk at him. "I will be the winner!" He yelled. "We'll see about that!" You yelled back.

Cashier let out a short sigh as You started riding quickly. In his instinct he wrapped his arms around your waist and held tight making you blush a little.

'He's.. Scared... Maybe, I shouldn't have done this- b-but I'm so close to beating Dummy! I.. Fine.'

You stopped and Dummy flew at the nonexistent finish line. "Woohoo!! I won!" He cheered flying around up and down left and right.

"Good game Dummy" You said.

"You stopped though? Why?" He asked.

"I uh.. Just remembered something important that's all"

"Oh, alright"

Cashier let go of your waist and got off. You doing the same kicked the thing that holds the bike up.

He looked up at you.

"That was fun, let's do it again sometime" He said.

"For sure, but how about we walk to the store instead of driving?" You suggested. "Fine by me" Dummy said as he picked up the bike. "Oh. OK" Cashier started walking as the two of you caught up.

"..When did you guys meet each other?" You decided to break the silence. "I'd say about a few months ago" Cashier shrugged. "Were you afraid or anything?" You asked. "Not really, I felt his presence and plus he's not that scary" He said.

"I am a little scary.. I know what you guys do half the time!" Dummy grumbled. "Right, only when you're stalking your screen" Cashier spat. "Tsk, touché"

'They act like brothers, it's cute.'

"Here we are!" Dummy said as he dropped the bike near Cashiers car. "Nice car by the way"

"Dummy you've told me that about seventy times already"

"I know hehe"

Cashier facepalmed and went inside to lay his face in the counter. Dummy was busy looking into Cashiers car to notice you walk into the shop as well.

You walked towards Cashier and gave him a hug from behind. "I'm, sorry" You muttered. "Thank you for the apology" He smiled softly.

"You think you could teach me how to drive a bike? Easy like a car, right?"

"You could say that"



🙄 then u start banging the cashier

IM JOKING 💀 or am i,🥴 maybe a sneak peak or somethin~

😺I'm not serious.

ANYWAYS sorry for like updating so much I just wanna read stuff instead of writing but I want u guys to enjoy urselves 🤩

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