(3) in one! [F]

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Dummy & Y/N's fun in the sky. + Cashier who kinda ruins it..

A/N Was on their laptop scrolling through Cashiers Twitter in the kitchen, liking his posts chuckling a bit.

As they were busy looking at their laptop they didn't notice Dummy open the kitchen window. He flew towards A/N and closed the laptop making them scream and fall back out of their chair.

"What the heck?!" They groaned as they got up themselves. "I just wanted to surprise you now come on, I'm bored!" He took you by the hands and you blushed a little..

He flew out of your house making your concern rise heavily. "Where are we-?!" Your mouth shut quick as Dummy flew quick letting go of your hands making you start to fall.

Your body scrunched up as Dummy did come over to catch you. He started to giggle as you grumbled in distress.

"Don't fucking do that you big meanie" You said with an attitude. "Only if you live a little, it's not bad to have some exictment in your life! Player and I always played in the sky often, but he was busy doing some mischief so I let him go.." Dummy's voice cracked a bit. You tried not to snicker, it was high.

"I appreciate you coming to hangout with me but I was clearly busy!" You groaned. "Busy doing..?" He was curious just floating. "Nevermind, can we go on the ground now? I'm not a fan of heights.." You felt your stomach rumble.

"I'm sure it's fine!" He winked at you, making you feel extra unsafe.

He took you by the hands once again and flew up and down left to right, even dancing with you in air which almost seemed like a dream at first, before you started to get into the fun he was mentioning.

"I.. Guess this is a little fun!" You said sheepishly. "Told ya!" He snickered.

You sat on the clouds and felt comfortable, you laid back and let your body rest.

For a few seconds you were in the clouds the next you were falling, not realizing it.

Dummy noticing quickly flew down and grabbed you before you hit the ground.

Unfortunately you landed near Cashiers store.. Dummy let you stand but hold one hand as Cashier ran out of the store with an concerned look on his face.

"What the flying fuck were you guys doing?!" He yelled. A/N was still dizzy so they didn't say anything but lean on Dummy.

"We just had a ride.." Dummy tried to smile, Cashier just was disappointed.

Not even a few seconds later you puked on the floor. Dummy pat your back avoiding the gaze of what you spat out.

"Let me guess, they fell and got this sickness because being too high in the air can make you sick" Cashier put his hand on his him and sighed before grabbing your hand.

Y/N didn't really think too well of the situation but went with it drunkly walking.

Dummy just levitated beside you both. "Player was just fine with it though.. He didn't get sick!" He said as he twindled with his gloves and fingers.

"Look, Player is not like Y/N. Player ate toothpaste and orange juice for petes sake, he is.. Err, different" Cashier sat you on the counter as you shook your head every thing coming together again.

"Feeling better?" Cashier asked. "Y-yeah.. And uh, Dummy"


"Thanks, thanks for hanging out it was fun, even if it was cut short eheh.." You tried to give a thumbs up towards him.

He gave it back. "No problem, we could do it again sometime"

"Absolutely not.." Cashier grumbled.

You and Dummy gave a sad face. :(

Player & Y/N's mischievous prank.

You sat on the sidewalk near the cones taking off your existing hat to put it on, it was too big for you but you wore it anyway.

"I look defingly amazing" They said proudly.

Hearing the sounds of cracks near the store you rushed over in a short panick only to see Player throwing eggs at Cashier car.

He looked at you and you looked at him. "How about you help me out? Its like a fun sport a radical trick! If you helped me out that'd be very cool of you" He offered.

You backed up a little knowing the consequences if you do, Cashier would see you messing up his car and you'd have to wash it off with Player.

If you didn't you wouldn't be cool and would just be bored all day..

You of course chose to egg Cashiers car. "I'm in!" You yelled. "Woohoo!" He gave you a carton of eggs and you both smothered Cashier car in yolk and shell.

When he sees it he'll be so mad.

You noticed all your eggs were gone. "Aw phooey. All my eggs are donezo, don't think there ain't in the store so I guess we'll leave it like this for now" Player cackled, you started joining in, laughing.

"Now, let's go hide!" Player hid behind the store as you followed. "You sure he won't see us?" Your body shook. "I'm sure he won't" Player giggled.

You both heard the front door to the store bell ring before a gasp was heard.

"Player?!" Cashier yelled as he looked around for him.

Player started to burst into laughter making Cashier come our way.

You felt the need to flee but stood there accepting your fate.

"You little brats! Ugh!" He facepalmed.

You and Player looked at one another like before and started to laugh receeding with a highfive.

Rooftop cuddles. Cashier x Y/N [Short]

Y/N and Cashier were on the rooftop, looking at the stars above them. You snuggled up against Cashier who put his arm around you.

"I love this view.." You said. "I do too" He replied.

You both watched the full moon watch over you both.

Putting your head on his shoulder you both blushed and got nervous.


Sorry this one is lazy but I got sore throat, and a dumb bad allergy that's been following me for the past few days.

I promise to update my book this weekend, but I will be busy friday because I'm visiting. Hope you liked these! <3

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