Chapter 5. Pt.2

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Tired, it..s 4am and i have school at 7. I HAVE TO HURRY THIS


'What the..? They looked, odd. Like something out of this world, you picked it up and it's body shook violently out of your hands it dropped still shaking about. You backed up in shock as the other popped besides the shaking thing and rubbed it against it before dissapearing.


You felt something tap your back.


"Chill, it's just me.. You good?" Player asked rubbing your left shoulder gently. You were still sitting just in confusion and sadness? Everything was clashing ripping one another apart just to be on top. Weird..

"You can sleep on my bed if you'd like.." He offered basically picking you up to the bed knowing you were unresponsive. He pulled the covers over you and backed up before turning off the light and walking out.

He didn't bother to question your silence, as if it was normal for him. Something about it was eluring..

Y/N woke up in a small panic. They felt like they had a headache of some kind or something was thrown at their neck. Whatever it was it was sheer uncomfortableness.

'I.. Don't,, I am lightheaded and in shock?, Probably just the soda.. No worries.'

Y/N got up from the bed and turned on the light. They walked out into the hall while it was still somewhat dark, trying to make little to no noise. Waking Player or Player's father would be an endless nightmare, especially being scolded by someone else's father. You shuddered as you kept walking.

You heard light whispers coming from the telivision, eering closer Y/N felt chilly as static was being heard.

It came from the TV.. Y/N walked closer and closer... As they were about to turn it off they felt something cover their mouth.

They started to cry softly.

Y/N awoken again..?, this time Player was sitting on his table eating chips playing with his gameboy. He paused the game and looked at Y/N. "Are you doing okay? You always like this at home?" His eyebrow cocked upwards in curiousness. "I just had a short weird dream is all," They said getting out of bed, Y/N made Players bed as Player resumed his game.

"If you wanna talk about it, feel free. I am a good listener" He swayed his whole body cheerily. "Lemme guess, Dummy said that to you?" You asked. "Of course~! All of his compliments matter! All of it is like royalty" He said with a large smile.

"Guess I can see your fantasies being an reality, for now anyway" You snickered. "Hey! Just you wait when I have a huge castle you'll be super duper jealous, hmph."

He said. "Keyword.. Wait" Y/N grinned. "Patience is key, you hear!" He yelled. "Patience is key.. You're correct" Y/N nodded.

"Like that patience to tell your feelings, with your obvious crush on Cashier huh" Player turned off his gameboy and jumped from the table leaving the toy on the desk.

Y/N blushed as Player took another step. "Ah, is that true? I was honestly just messing with you but if you like him I guess theres no harm in telling him~" Player teased. "Don't do that! What happened to patience!?" You grumbled. "This however is a different story!! Drama, fulfilling romance and my entertainmen-" Player was cut off.

"Are ya talking to yourself again, son?!" His papa from the bathroom yelled. "No! I'm talking to Y/N, gosh!!" He rolled his eyes. "Ah, sorry Player my bad eheh!" His father chuckled it off.

"Yeah whatever okay.. He get's annoying but anyways, how about we all four go to the beach tommorow? It seemed to be a good place to relax, I honestly wanna play dogeball with Dummy!" He suggested.

"I.. Guess? I really wouldn't mind. Not like my job is an pain or anythin-" Y/N sighed. "Great," Player smiled. "I'll go home and finish up a few things" You said. "We'll all go around 7:25 pm, dawnish" Player said. "Alright" You said.

Y/N was now driving their bike back home, parking it and walking inside before plummeting in bed. Even if they woke up not too long ago they still felt tired, with a small headache and a eery feel it was hard to keep up with.

'Why did I have such a dream so suddenly..? It just popped up for no reason whatsoever,, but dreams are like that, right? Whatever whatever I'll look it up on my laptop tommorow..'

'Just need to get rid of this headache.,' Y/N got up with a groan and walked towards their bathroom, opening the cabnet to some sleeping pills, allergy pills and other things. They grabbed an advil bottle and took one before exiting the bathroom to the kitchen.

Y/N noticed their kitchen window above the sink was open so they shut it. 'Guess I forgot to shut it..?' Y/N rubbed their head and got a cup, filling it with sink water, gulping the pill before walking back to bed not even considering to change clothes.

Ya! So, yaaa...... grrrr stuff I DONT KNOW WHAT TO SAY

who tf even changes to pjs like.. dni bruh 💔

yay your going to the beach tmrw!! shirtless men!!! 💞💞

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