Chapter 5. Pt.3

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The pronouns will be They/Them BUT. Y/Ns body WILL BE FEMININE. Please refrain from comments complaining...

Literally not fun seeing people comment abt it
I changed the pronouns, not changing the gender. Hush! >:(

Anyways.. enjoy the spicy~ ;)


Y/N shifted awake as their alarm basically screamed at them to wake up. "Y/N WAKE THE FUCK UP" It yelled. Y/N groaned and picked up the clock tempted to throw it.

They chose to leave it there and shut it off before changing into comfortable clothes.. A long fluffy button green shirt and brown stretchy pants. They didn't care too much about fashion but did still put on clothes everyday..

Doing their morning rutine they almost forgot. "Swimsuits-!" Y/N facepalmed and went back into their closet to grab a Bikini top and bottom, it was ocean based and was colorful in purple, white and blue.

"Almost left it here.." They took a small luggage bag and shoved it in, with two water bottles, sunscreen, a white towel, a shark floatie and sandels.

"Think thats all I really need, I'll go meet the others. Hopefully they didn't leave me behind-" Y/N laughed quietly to themselves before walking out the door. Walking to Player's abode they knocked. "Hey? Player-?" Y/N knocked again.

"Coming." A voice was heard. The door flashed open, seeing Cashier stand taller than Y/N. This time it was- "Are you coming inside Y/N?" He asked. "Ye-yeah, my apologizes" You smiled and blushed a little at the thought of Cashier and you together..

'These feelings aren't what I need right now- What if Player says something-?! AH! I'll just bribe him, should work..' You thought to yourself, smirking at the idea.

"We are all ready.. Just Player trying to get his father to stay here-" Dummy chimed. "Look son I wanna be with ya friends too! I am a hippy dad, just have trust in me, eh?" You could hear Player's dad say. "I- ugh, fine whatever. Just don't be weird or anything.." Player walked out and went into the living room his dad follwing behind.

"Lets go.." Player mumbled. "We all are gonna have such a great time! You agree there Y/N?" He said. You flinched, he knew Your name? Did you forget You told him or something? Whatever the case may be You shrugged it off. Player mustve told him..

"Yes, yes sir. It'll be-"
"Radical!!" Dad yelled with some laughter caught in. "Yeah, radical.." You felt nervous.. Gazing at Cashier from somewhat afar Your cheeks flushed pink- 'Gosh damnit-!' You shook Your head.  "How long will this ride take?" Dummy asked, standing. "About half an hour" Player said rubbing his cheek, he had a bandage there..

Cashier wrapped his right hand over You and walked out the front door. "Everything okay Y/N?" He asked with a concerned expression. Flustered even more You mumbled.. "What was that?" He asked. "I.. Ehh,, I'm a bit nervous-" You stuttered. "Oh? Don't worry. I'll be here for you" He smiled.

'He's really.. Really sweet...' You thought looking a tad bit away.
"Now, Lets get going gang!" Dad blurted as he went into the garage. Follwing him Cashier let his hand off of your back. Your face was normal as You missed his touch..

'Agh-! I need to just focus for today, don't embarass yourself and don't screw up!' You thought. Dad went into the drivers seat as Player groaned sitting in the passenger seat. Y/N opened the trunk. "Need help?" Cashier asked. "No no I got it-" Y/N said. "I insist~!" He put your bag in the trunk before closing it. "Thank you,," You nodded. "No problem" He said. You both got into the car.

Y/N sat in the middle, Cashier on their left and Dummy on the right.

(Here, Cashier, Y/N, Dummy
         Player, Dad.)

"Aw cheer up bud, father bonding time~! Even with your little bud Dummy!" Dad tried to smile, knowing his child was unhappy..

"How about some tunes?" He said. "Ah, sure-!" Y/N chriped. "Better be a good song,." Player grumbled as his father pushed the pedal. Dad pressed a few buttons on the radio, a soft tune shifted in.. It was soothing at best honestly.. Y/N yawned and started to doze off...

Cashiers Pov (Will happen again-!)

I was looking out the window as I felt something fall onto my shoulder. It was Y/N.. They fell asleep... I blushed bright red. They looked kinda cute?

I looked at Dummy who was on Player's gameboy playing whatever was on there. My attention was back on Y/N. I gently brushed their hair and laid their face on my lap. They muttered something but I couldn't make it out.. 'Wonder what they're dreaming about.. About me perhaps-?' I wouldn't state anything so quickly but I'd like to think they were dreaming about me..

Back to Third person/Y/Ns pov!

Your hands were on something much softer, rubbing your face softly against it you felt the thing You lied against shift a bit. To Your nonconcern You went to sleep again, knowing the ride wasn't that long.. You just felt tired is all.

You awoken facing straight.. Rubbing Your eyes. "We are here~!" Dad spoke. Y/N looked to the others to see Dummy getting out. "Did you sleep okay?" Cashier asked. "Mhmm, it felt cozy~" You smiled. Just then Cashier blushed and got out of the car covering his face. Y/N was going to reach out before Dummy gave them their bag.

"I'm thinkin he got car sick or sum, lets go before we see his little ass puke" Dummy said as he lead you to a picnic table. 'Hopefully Cashier's alright.. I heard car sickness is hell..' You shuddered.

"Ah, Y/N and Dummy, over here." Player waved as his Dad was lying on the grass with a blanket.

"Don't mind him he'll just be tanning as he calls it"

"It's healthy son! Anyone care to join me?" He offered.

Player rolled his eyes as Dummy looked at you and pointed at Dad. Y/N groaned quietly and lied next to him on their stomach.

"This actually feels kinda nice," You said closing Your eyes. "Told ya! I heard it also gets that good good juicy vitiman c in ye boday!" He chuckled. You snickered. He was offly silly today, even with You deciding to give him a rough time when You both met..

'I should apologize for that..'





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