(2) Sick Cashier [F]

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🤭kinda short and rushy

Y/N took a stroll around the neighborhood realizing she forgot to buy more food idk lol.

You drove to the store and parked, walking inside you saw..


"Where is Cashier??" You asked. "He's sick or something I don't know he's old as fuck. Surprised he didn't die yet lol" Player was just laying upside down with his feet up leaning on the counter.

You walked up to him and pushed him, he tumbled over.

"What the hell?!" He grumbled. "Don't insult Cashier >:(" You Pat his head as he just sat on the floor.

Player just rolled his eyes. "He asked me to stay at the shop so no one steals anything but I'm getting a little bored.." He sighed as he just looked at floor.

"How about you stay a little while more? I'll bring you back someone to play with!" You kneeled down and smiled. "You're doing a good job, just a few more minutes of sitting around shouldn't hurt you"

Player looked up at you. "I guess.." He stood up and played with the cash register.

"I'll be at Cashier's place, I'll be back soon. See you soon buddy" You walked out as Player waved.

Getting back on your bike you drove to his place. Wondering if he had the flu or something more deadly..? Hopefully it's nothing serious.

You arrived at his driveway and parked. Getting off the bike you knocked on the door.

No answer.


No answer.


No answer..

"Cashier???" You yelled.

No response.

You groaned. Searching for a new entrance you saw an open window, looking inside it was just two chairs and a table. Kind of lonely really..

You wobbled inside looking for him. "Cashier..?"

"I'm.. Here" He coughed. You basically ran into his room without asking like a rude person who didn't even knock first.

Tsk tsk tsk...

"Aw Cashier!" You hugged him and started to squeeze. "Hey, careful.. I have a cold. I don't need you getting sick" He started to weakly push you away.

"You seem lonely though.." You stopped hugging him and sat down by him.

"I am certainly fine, I just am a little sick is all" He reached for a tissue and sneezed with a small gag.

You felt bad for him, he kinda just had to sit all day in bed by himself..

"How about I make you soup?" You offered.

"That would be nice" He breathed in long and exhaled slow wiping his nose with a tissue right after.

You walked out of his room and went into the kitchen to get;

Onions &

Y/N first rummaged through the kitchen and took out a large container of butter and set it on the counter.

Next she gotten a few tomatoes from the fridge.

Getting onions from the shelf.

You set a pot on the stove and started cooking.

After you were finished you took a spoon and put it in a bowl.

You smiled in success and went into Cashier's room to sit beside him and feed him yourself.

He blushed a little as you did as well.


You insisted on laying with Cashier.

"Y/N come on.."

You snuggled into his shirt and cuddled him from behind.

"Shhh. Don't talk.." Your hands intertwined with his.

I'm bad with romance goddamnit 😿😿 I AM BETTER WITH LIKE ANGST IDK? 😒 ew this is rushed and bad..

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