Chapter5. Sleepover PT.1

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Y/N went home after yesterday and was laying on their bed looking up at the roof.

Under the covers they couldn't sleep, restlessness. Rest assure it was only twelve am, not too bad really. They couldn't get their head out of the thought of yesterday. The fact their selfishness made Cashier feel a little umcomfortable, it wasn't a huge huge deal as they were making it but their mind was clouded by negativity.

Something like that woudln't make him unhappy with you, would it?

Y/N finally fell asleep.

'Am I overthinking?'

Y/N jolted awake panting with sweat. They took the covers off and jumped out of bed, they wobbled a bit before making it to the bathroom to wash their face.

"Gosh my head hurts.." They mumbled with a groan before going back to their room steadily. They changed into different clothes and went outside, it was pretty dark to say the least but they were able to see good enough to walk.

It was cold, Y/N thought for a few seconds. 'A break from him would be fine right? I feel like I bother him anyways..'

They thought and thought before crashing into someone.

"Ah shit- sorry!" Y/N stood up. The other looked up at them as Y/N set their hand out, they took it and stood. "You, alright? I apologize-" Y/N stumbled.

"You.. apologized twice" They said. "Oh- r-right" They felt embarrased.

"Anyways, it's me, player. No need to be so formal y'know" He flipped his hood down and picked up the bag of chips and two sodas. "I'm going home" He said as he started walking.

Y/N stood there not knowing what to say, considering they got knocked out of their dream world.

"Hm. Hey"


"Come with me,"

Y/N still confused stood there. 'Why would he ask you to come..? But he is a friend so it-'

Player sighed and grabbed your arm yanking it, you looked away from him as he basically dragged you with him.

You were taller than him so it felt a little awkward. He snickered, "Thought you'd revolt, guess you're not as strong as I thought. Maybe I could teach you a few things" He said. "Really? I mean, I wouldn't say I would be up for it.."

"But I am forcing you"

Y/N kept quiet as they both walked up the stairs, Player took out a brown key and stuck it in before oepning the door. He went in first, letting go of your hand.

His grip was rather light, and his hands were soft.. You noticed this when he let go..

"Follow" He motioned. "Silent"

You nodded and crept behind him, he opened his door he let you walk in first as he went in second to close the door.

He threw you a soda and you barely caught it, catching it between your thighs. "Nice catch" He smirked. "Thank you-"

"But I wanted to ask.. Why did you make me go with you?" You said. Player sat on his bed. "I felt like having company, exactly why I got two sodas but Cashier was too tired from yesterday" He opened his can as it made a fuzzy fiz noise, he started to drink.

Y/N looked at theirs. 'Soda pop, the best drink you've ever had! Kids love it and so will you!!' They read. Judging by the description You hoped it would taste alright.

You opened Yours and hesitantly drank, a sip at a time. It's flavor was like cherry and rootbeer with milk. It tasted pretty good.. You drank the whole can before throwing it in the trash.

"You think I'll make it?" Player said. Y/N chuckled. "For sure,"

Player closed his left eye and chucked the can across the room, you saw it fly as it fit perfectly in the trashcan, it was mostly filled with action toys and such excluding the cans.

"Oh? Theres.. Toys in there?" You asked. "Yep, just never got the chance to throw em out.. Just grew out of it, yknow?" He lied on his bed and put his foot over his other.

"Well, some of them look awesome. Suprised you didn't give them to me~" They said as like a tease.

"Tsk, like how was I supposed to know you like kiddy toys?" He spat. "Well I will have you know I collect things, I don't play with them!" You grumbled.

He rolled his eyes. "Riiiiigghhht" He smiled.

Y/N was looking around as Player was playing on a gameboy. You weren't that infested in games so You didn't bat an eye, but instead You found a box under his desk. You looked back to see him still distracted so You snooped a litle.

What you found make you grim. "Fuck.."

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