Chapter 6. End.

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Yeh! This is the last chapter,

I am exicted for this~!

kinda short.. :(


Y/N stretched, getting up the from blanket. 'Is he..?' Y/N thought to themselves before kneeling near Players father, about to tap him. Before being imterrupted by a voice.

"Leave him alone, it's better off if he's left alone. He's bothersome as you can tell.." Player said as he looked at you standing still. Normally his Dad seemed very nice, just the vibe you got when You first met was.. Not very, good.

"OK. I'll leave him be." You said quietly. Player nodded as Cashier wobbled closer to the picnic table seeming to have clogged his mouth leakage. Y/N skipped over to him and rubbed his back. "Are you OK?" You asked, Your head tilted. "Yes.. I am feeling better," He said averting his gaze towards Y/N. They were confuzzled but shrugged it off.

"Shall we swim then?" Dummy said with a slight grin. "What do- Oh! Yeah, we should go swim, as it's getting hot yknow.." Player joined in. Y/N felt warm but not scorching hot.. "I'll sit out for a bit and just drink lemonade, probably just relax." You said, Player and Dummy looked at eachother before gazing back at you. "We would like to play volleyball with you both aswell.. It'd be very very hot~ So, why don't we all wear our swimsuits?" Player suggested. Y/N felt their face fluster as Cashier was oblivious. "Hm. Sure. This time I can kick your ass," Cashier said with a chuckle. "We'll see about that!" Dummy barked.

'Change into a swimsuit.. Now? Like already-?! Was I even prepared for this..? I mean- Sure I packed one but.. No. I'll be fine." Y/N softly inhaled and exhaled to keep their composure. 'Just cool it..' Y/N thought to themselves.

"I'll be in the changing then," You said. The trio nodded as Player winked. You rolled Your eyes rummaging through Your bag which was near Dad. You could hear him softly cry.. Y/N quickly grabbed their swimsuit and backed up. 'Was he.. Crying-? Why would he.. Shit. He must've overheard player! I should say something but it's not my buisness..' Their thoughts were drowning the fun out of today.. You sighed walking into the womans bathroom.

Walking to the stall you shut it, locked it and took off your clothes and putting the suit on. It fit comfortably.. Y/N walked out of the stall and looked in the mirror.

Taking their hat off and ruffling their hair/
putting their hair in a bun.

"Cashier is changing aswell" You could hear Player say from behind the door. "Eh? Why would I need to k-know that.." You asked. "Just thought You'd like to know.. You are his little simp after all~" Player snickered. "Don't say that!" You blushed bright red and grumbled.

"I heard he had a six pack too Y/N~~" He started to go on and on. Y/N now a blushing mess walked out of the bathroom and punched Player somewhat soft in the gut. "AH FUCK-" He whined holding his stomach kneeling backwards.

"For a simp like you, ahh-.. You do punch hard-!" He chocked between breathes. "Hmph. Don't call me that" You demanded, frowning at him. "Alright alright- Just don't hit me anywhere else, I don't wanna have a broken bone you know" He straightend out his back and stood.

You half-smiled and pat Player. Cashier walked out of the bathroom wearing green swimshorts with seewead prints. He played with his hair as Y/N admired his body.

Cashier Pov (Last time)

I stretched my arms out and saw Y/N covering their face as Player was grinning. I was not exactly suprised.. I was sure they had a thing for me or something as much as I do for them.. I walked over to Y/N as Player backed up.

I took their hands and lowered them. "Eyes up here," I said with a smile. They flinched and looked up at me, their eyes were gorgeous.. "M-my apologies!" Our eyes met as they said that and I let go of my grip on their hands to caress their face.

"No need to apologize.." I said as I kissed their cheek. They blushed heavily and shook. 'Maybe I shouldv'e warned them eheh..' "Now I should be the one apologizing, sometimes I just do what my heart says-" I blushed right pink. "If I liked it then I'd think of it as a favor.." Y/N muttered but loud enough for me to hear.

Y/N's Pov/Third person

Their heart raced, as if they were in a type of danger of some sort. A hot guy just ever kiss you at a random time infront of their friends?! One in a million really! And you were that one.. What a suprise.

Y/N's legs shook as they carefully grasped his hand. 'We weren't officially dating but it felt like it was mandatory..' "Oh~?" He cooed as You both walked passing Dummy and Player.

After a few minutes You and him were now sitting at the bench, seated together You could see Dummy and Player giving eachother a highfive.

Y/N was grateful for them, if they didn't make up something for them then none of this would've been possible.. Y/N squeezed Cashiers hand, he looked at them as Y/N kissed him on the lips passionatley.

"Guess that means you're mine to keep~" He whispered in Your ear. You shuddered, blushing. "W-well yes- but.. You don't have to say it like that!" You said. "Of course I do~ You belong to me" He innocently smiled while saying that.

"I'll let that slide.." You said crossing your arms. He held you towards his chest, nuzzling Your cheeks. "I love you" He whispered once more. "I-i love you too.." You replied.


LAzy end ik ik 😭💔

The ending I was planning was gonna be with Kyu and Orby, i wanted them into the story-line a lil more.

bc the things y/n saw in Sleepover part 1 was them but Y/N forgot but still remembered. & Player knew abt them but he wanted to hide them from u so you wouldnt get corrupted.

Hope you enjoyed it ^^ 💖 I plan to make side fillers for this even if the book is over! 👀

sneak peak for one of them;


Y/N nervously shifted around. A new life with him.. That'd be good for me. We met at a convience store though!

Who would've thought you'd be marrying a guy like that.. Maybe the world intended this?

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