Chapter One: Late Nights and Homework Help

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A/n: Hey Guys! This is my first book so I hope you enjoy! This story sets in the Goblet of Fire where Ron, Harry, and Hermione go through some ups and downs, and Hermione starts to fall in love with a certain red-headed Weasley who happens to be a prankster, but Ron has a crush on a certain brown-headed book worm who also happens to be Hermione.  I will try my best to update every day, but I have a very busy schedule so I will try to upload as soon as possible, I will also be switching povs every now and then, and I will probably have some grammar and spelling issues which I hope you all don't mind, anyways I hope you enjoy!



I was in the library, as usual doing some late-night reading. I happened to be reading one of my favorite muggle books called Romeo and Juliet when all of a sudden someone decided to loudly sit right next to me, disturbing me from my reading. I huffed, turning the page of my book, then stuffed my book park into it. Why is it that I'm always getting interrupted when I get to the really good part? I didn't need to look up to see who it was that disturbed by peace. I already knew who it was based on their grumbling and huffing.

"What is it Ron?" I sighed knowing it was him. He usually came at this time of an hour, I don't even know why he bothers, both he and Harry know not to disturb me at this time of day. Well, actually not really daytime anymore, more like I don't know, I'd say around midnight-ish? I don't really know I haven't really been paying attention. I know for a fact Ron is only here because he wants me to help him with the usual, which is homework as always. As much as I do enjoy doing my schoolwork, I hate helping both Ron and Harry with their homework. 

 Harry Isn't as bad as Ron is, Ron is constantly begging me to help him with his homework and it's always at the worst time too. It wouldn't be so difficult do to if he would actually pay attention in class instead of off snoozing in the middle of a lesson. Plus it doesn't help that he spends all his time stuffing his face with food instead of actually studying. Although when is there a time when Ron isn't stuffing his face with food?

"Well, Hermione you know that you're great at potions and-" And there he goes, buttering me up. Does he seriously think that's going to work on me? I know exactly what he is going to say, and the answer is no, and every time I have to spell it out for him. Is it really that hard?

"I really need your help with our potions assignment. I know you're going to say no but we have to turn it in in the morning, I'm super tired and It makes no sense at all. We didn't even learn this. What even is this stuff?" He whined. I called it. What is he even talking about we literally learned this yesterday. I swear that this boy gets on my nerves. I really want to smack him upside the head right now and hope that maybe a few brain cells will pop back into his head, but sadly a girl can dream, it wouldn't really be any help, although I'm seriously considering it right now.

"Ron, how many times do I have to tell you? The answer is no, we learned this yesterday in class. It's not my fault you were off snoozing instead of actually paying attention. If you wanted my help you should have asked me earlier, I'm busy doing other things now. You're always waiting until the last minute to do something, which is a you issue, Ronald. I'm tired of always doing your homework for you, your definition of me helping you is me doing it for you. If you never actually do any of the work then you are never going to learn how to do it. If you keep it up at this rate you're going to be stuck here at Hogwarts forever, I can't help you on exams so what happens when you don't study like you always do and then fail? What are you going to do then? This is absolutely ridiculous, I taught you how to do this yesterday too. What do you mean it makes no sense?" I stated. All I came down here for was some peace and quiet and now he expects me to do his homework. Who does he think he is?

"Please Hermione, this will be the last time I promise. I know that you're busy but I really need help, I don't want to fail. I would ask Harry but it's not like he knows what he's doing either, please Hermione." He practically begged. I'd had about enough of his whining, but I'm also really tired and not really in the mood at this point. I know this is not the last time he is going to ask me for help, but I don't really care anymore, if helping him with his homework or doing it for him will get him to shut up then fine, I'll do it even though everyone that's left in the library which mind you isn't a lot of people, are starting to stare which is really embarrassing.

"Alright, Ron enough. People are starting to stare which is embarrassing. I'll help you but you have to promise to actually do some work instead of making me do it all." I told him. This is the last time I am helping him, he is exhausting to be around all day, and frankly what person wants to be around him all day and all night? He really wears me out. At least Harry doesn't beg me to help him every day, I can't even imagine having both Ron and Harry begging me to help them with her homework would be like.

"Thanks Hermione." Ron said all excited, I just gave in easier than he thought I would. He opened the potions textbook and got out his homework, to which I just rolled my eyes and started helping him. I knew this was going to be a long and exhausting night.


A/n: Hey guys! So that was the first chapter I hope you liked it, It's almost midnight and I'm exhausted! And I have School tomorrow,  I have never been more than happy to be online school right now because I hate waking up early. I promise that Fred does not eventually die in this book because I honestly thought it should have been Percy instead so he could redeem himself, plus I cried for hours after Fred's death! So I'm having some Ideas so that maybe there was a way that Fred or George could enter the Triwizard tournament, I don't know I just thought that maybe it would create some drama. Anyways, let me know if you have any ideas! Love you all!

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