Chapter Seven: Anger and Hogsmeade Trips

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I was furious. I don't know whether to be mad at Hermione or Fred. First of all, how dare Fred ask Hermione to the ball? My brother literally asked the girl that I have been in love with since second year to the yule ball. I was more than furious, I was outraged. Secondly, how could Hermione say yes to my own brother? He probably only asked her to the ball as a joke. How could someone like him, want to go to the ball with someone like Hermione? She's always got her nose in a book being her usual know-it-all self. Now who am I going to go with? Ugh. I then stomped off to the Common Room to go find Harry and tell him what happened. 


I can't believe Ronald, he's off throwing another tantrum. Since when does he get to control my life? Ugh, he frustrates me so much sometimes. After Fred had comforted me, I told him I had to go and I would see him later. He waved to me as I speed-walked down the halls and raced to the girl's dormitory to find Ginny. I was so excited when Fred asked me to the Yule Ball. I had to find the perfect dress to wear. I looked around the girl's dormitory and found Ginny. I raced over to her all excited. I literally could not contain it anymore!

"Ginny!!" I squealed as I ran over to her.

"Hermione!" Ginny squealed with me. 

"What's up!?" 

"Someone asked me to the Yule Ball!" I told her with the brightest smile. 

"Oh my god, really!? No way me too!" 

"Wait really Gin? That's amazing! Who is it, tell me!" I wonder who asked Ginny. Harry? No, it couldn't be, Harry was still heartbroken after he tried asking Cho Chang to the dance but was declined since she already was going with Cedric. 

"Alright, alright." She said while laughing. 

"Ginny just tell me already!" 

"Neville asked me to the dance!" Wait did she say Neville? As in Neville Longbottom? 

"Neville? Neville asked you to the dance?" Awww that was so sweet of Neville. He is a really sweet guy and a good friend of me, Harry, and Ron. I can't believe he built up the courage to ask Ginny, I'm so proud of him.

"Yes!" Ginny said excitedly. I knew she didn't like him as more of a friend but they were really good friends and frankly, she's probably just glad that someone asked her. Either way, I couldn't help but grin. 

"Aww, that's amazing Ginny!" I'm really happy for her. In all honesty, I didn't really want to go to the Yule Ball, but since Fred had asked me to go, something is telling me that it was not going to be a boring night. When is anything ever boring when you're hanging with a Weasley? 

"Now that I told you, you have to tell me who asked you Mione!" I was all excited about someone asking Ginny that I completely forgot about Fred asking me. I started to get a little nervous. My palms were starting to get a little sweaty. Man, is it hot in here? 

"Um-well-you see-" I stuttered. I knew I shouldn't be nervous since Ginny is my best friend and I tell her pretty much everything, but I was worried about what she would think. How would she react if I told her that her brother asked me to the dance? Would she hate me? Would she be mad?

"Just spit it out Hermione." Ginny said, starting to get a little impatient. Oh well, here goes nothing.

"Fredaskedmetothedance." I told her in one big mess as I stumbled for the right words.

"Huh? Speak slower Mione, Come on I haven't gotten all day." She told me while tapping her foot on the ground. You know, at that moment she kind of reminded me of Mrs. Weasley since that was usually her signature pose.

"Fred asked me to the dance." I said speaking slowly. I braced myself for what was about to come. As soon as I said it, her jaw dropped to the floor. I knew it, I knew that she would be upset with me. Her shock turned into something else, she started to smile. She then started jumping up and down squealing with excitement. 

"Omg, my brother asked you to the dance?! We're going to be sisters! Then you're going to get married and have three kids and name them-" Wait what?! Married!? Fred only asked me to the dance, not If we wanted to get married. Luckily, I cut her off before she could come up with some more crazy nonsense. 

"Ginny, calm down! He only asked me to the dance, It's not that big of a deal!" That was a lie. It was a huge deal. At least to me. Why would one of the famous Weasley twins want to ask me to the dance? I'm for one, definitely not the prettiest girl in the school. Secondly, I'm extremely stubborn, thirdly I'm a know-it-all, and fourthly, I'm a bookworm. Why would somebody like them whos popular and loved by everyone, want to go to the ball with me the fun killer? At least that's what I am according to Ron

"Hermione!" Ginny said startling me since I had been deep in thought.

 "What do you mean this isn't a big deal!? We have to go shopping now! Oh my gosh! What are we gonna wear!? We have to go to Hogsmeade before all the nice ones get taken! Come on Hermione! Let's go, we have to invite Luna too!" She started babbling, and when she did that she usually started talking super fast. It was giving me a headache trying to keep up with her.

"Right now? You want us to go right now!?" I asked completely confused and overwhelmed. 

"Of course! No time to lose!" She said as she started scrambling around our dorm trying to get ready. 

"But what about class? I can't miss class, do you know how much trouble we would be in!?" Was she trying to get me expelled?

"Who cares Mione, now let's go!" I really don't know why I let her drag me into these things, quite literally seeing as she grabbed my hand, dragging me out of the room while I was busy pouting about how we were going to miss class. 

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