Chapter Four: Fallouts

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My jaw dropped to the floor as soon as I heard my name. Did I hear Dumbledore correctly or was my head just playing tricks on me? I could tell I wasn't the only one who was confused since poor Harry was frozen with shock. I guess it wasn't my head playing tricks on me. How did this even happen, George and I only entered our names as a joke. We knew our names probably wouldn't be chosen but now my name was indeed chosen along with Harry's.

 Ron's mouth hung open, I have a feeling he isn't going to be too happy. Hermione looked both shocked and furious at the same time. I'm pretty sure by the way she's looking at me I'm going to be murdered by her after this whole ceremony thing. I was completely befuddled, how Harry's name was chosen. He wasn't even eligible to enter the competition, something definitely wasn't right here. 

" HARRY POTTER" Dumbledore yelled, well more like screamed his name. Dumbledore was now running over to Harry who looked scared as ever, practically screaming in his face. 

"HARRY POTTER! HARRY POTTER DID YOU PUT YOUR NAME IN THE GOBLET OF FIRE!?" (A/n: Dumbledore said calmly) Harry shook his head no obviously scared. I looked over to Ron, he looked furious, although I'm not sure if he was mad at me or Harry, or both. I watched as Hermione shoved Harry forward, telling him to go with the other champions to be interviewed or whatever. Then her gaze turned to me. Uh oh. I watched as she walked towards me and stopped right in front of my face. She looked me in the eyes and then slapped me. Hard. Right across the face. I could feel the burning sensation run throughout my cheek. I then looked into Hermione's eyes with my hand covering my cheek from where she just slapped me. All I could see was hurt, betrayal, and pain. 

"How could you!" Hermione said. I could tell that she was mad. But, I could also hint that she was a little upset too, well a lot more than a little. I wanted to speak to ask her about what she meant but she wasn't having any of it. She shoved me off towards where Harry went and I could feel her daggers shooting me at the back of the head. Yup, I'm dead. 

-----------------------------------TIME SKIP-------------------------------------------


I was absolutely furious. He knows how dangerous the tournament is, yet he still put his name in and he was chosen. I was beyond mad, I was infuriated. He's going to get himself killed, what happens when he doesn't complete the tasks? What happens if something goes wrong? The possibilities are endless. I groaned to myself as I flopped onto my bed thinking about what was I going to do now. More importantly, what was he going to do now? What would the Weasleys think? I felt bad that I slapped Fred across the face, but I was so upset, hurt, and so mad that he would even think about putting his name in the Goblet of Fire. I know he couldn't help that he was chosen so I couldn't exactly yell at him for that but I was still mad at him. I told both him and George not to do it and yet they didn't listen.

 What has me completely confused is how Harry's name was chosen. He's not even allowed to compete, he's not even old enough. I could tell that when Dumbledore said his name, Ron was furious with him. They were best friends, he probably thought that Harry went behind his back and snuck his name into the goblet, but I noticed how confused Harry looked when his name was called. I wonder if he had anything to do with it or if something went wrong. While I was drifting off into the possibilities that could happen, I heard a lot of yelling from the common room and decided to check it out. 

"Harry how could you!" Ron screamed at Harry who looked pretty fumed. 

"I have no idea what you're even talking about Ron." Harry snapped back. This definitely wasn't good. Harry and Ron hardly ever argued so for them to be arguing like this, they must be really mad.

"Yes you do, don't play dumb Harry! How dare you go behind my back and enter yourself into the tournament!" I had no idea what to do. Ron was looking like he was about to erupt like a volcano, his face getting redder and redder by the minute and Harry looked like he was about to explode. 

"I didn't enter my name Ron!" Harry spat at Ron. 

"Wait, Harry, you didn't enter your name?" I asked calmly. I didn't want to make the situation worse than it already was. 

"Don't listen to him Hermione, he knows what he did!"  I don't think I have ever seen Ron this mad since, well, ever. 

"I'm not lying, I don't even know how I was chosen! I didn't put my name in, for the hundreth time Ron!"  At that moment, I felt bad for Harry. What if he didn't put his name in? Even if he did I would still support him unlike someone whos throwing a tantrum over there, he's still our best friend. 

"Yes you are! All you are is selfish, you only care about your fame. You just want the attention!   (A/N: You're just making sure I'm never gettin' over youWhat about all those other people who want to have at least a sliver of fame, now the only thing that anyone is going to care about is how you got your bloody name into the tournament! Good luck at the competition cause you're gonna need it." I was absolutely shocked, Ron was never that harsh. It's not like Harry ever wanted was fame. He can't help that he was born into it. 

 I was fuming, how could Ron say such a thing? By now, mostly every single Gryffindor besides first and second years since they still had class, were in the common room watching this train wreck go down. And worst of all, no one was even doing anything to stop it. I then made a rash decision to end this stupid fight, it would just make this whole situation worse if they were at each other's throats the whole time. I turned to face Ron, opening my mouth to say something to him but he beat me to it. 

" And you!" He shouted in my direction. What's that supposed to mean? He has no right to yell at me like that. 

"Are you with me or not!?" He expects me to choose sides now? I swear Ron if you say one more stupid thing you're going to end up digging your own grave. 

"Ron what are you talking about? You expect me to choose sides now!?" I was furious.  He knows that both he and Harry are my best friends, I can't choose a side. I refuse to be in the middle of this. 

"Oh, I get it. You're on his side. Well fine, I never needed you anyway!" 

"What? Ron I never said that!" 

"I don't want to hear it Hermione, you always take his side! I don't need you anyways, you mean nothing to me!" He yelled as he pushed me away. I stumbled back a bit, trying to regain my balance. His words hit me like a punch to the gut. Tears brimmed my eyes. 

"Fine, then go" 

"Fine, I will. Don't come crawling back to me when you need my help,Harry!" 

"Harry won't need your help since he has me to help him!" I fired back. At this rate everyone had pretty much left the common room bored of our argument, except me, Harry, Ron, Ginny, Fred, and George. 

"Harry doesn't need you, he would be better off without you!" 

"Well Harry doesn't need a friend like you, who doesn't support him!" Everything flashed right before my eyes and before I knew It, I felt a stinging sensation on my cheek. He had slapped me. I felt wet tear rolled down my face as I ran out of the common room. I could hear Ron behind me desperately calling out for me to come back, but I was done listening to him. I heard a lot of yelling and shouting going on while I ran down the halls for a safe place to go and it faded as I ran. 

A few minutes later I felt a presence beside me. Assuming it was Ron, I prepared myself for the worst, but turned around to see Fred. I couldn't hold back my tears anymore and I burst into tears. Fred just sat next to me, hugging me as he rocked me back and forth. I felt safe. I felt that maybe there was a little bit of hope. I can't help but think did I just lose two of my best friends?

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