Chapter Thirteen: Friendships and Forgiveness

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A/N: Hey guys! Soooo I'm not really sure what to do for this chapter since I don't want to move soooo fast with this book and already move to the third task, so I'm probably just going to create some drama or something and possibly have the next chapter be the third task??? I have no clue, I'm not being lazy I promise! I just have writer's block! Anyways here is chapter thirteen! 


HERMIONE'S POV: (A/N: A few weeks after the second task)

Ron was constantly picking fights with Harry and everyone else and I was tired of it. I marched up to both of them dragged them to the common room and made them sit. Ron and Harry were shooting daggers at each other. I was going to fix this friendship no matter what. 

"You guys!" They both looked at me. 

"Can you just stop fighting for one second!!" I shouted at them. 

"He started it." Ron said rudely. Ughhhh!!!

"Ron, I don't think I asked for your opinion." Harry snickered at my comment and Ron glared at him to tell him to shut up, but it only made him laugh harder. 


"Ron calm down! We are not picking anymore fights!" 

"Ugh!" Ron pouted. I was sincerely tired of his attitude. 

"Thank you, now can you both just get along! Both Harry and Fred have one more task left! Plus it's the most dangerous! So please for the sake of Merlin's Beard could you just forgive each other and quit this nonsense!" I huffed and folded my arms frustrated. 

"What's going on here love?" Fred asked me coming down to the common room. Me and Fred weren't dating...... yet..... although we were really close, we just haven't made anything official yet. 

"Ugh! Could you please tell your stupid Dim-witted brother to quit his arguing and just make up with Harry already!" I said falling back on the couch. 

"Fine." Ron said annoyed. 

"I'm sorry for saying you were selfish and only put your name in the cup for fame, and I'm sorry Fred that I said you were never my brother and went behind my back and went to the ball with Hermione, and Hermione I'm sorry that I made you cry and said those mean things to you and hit you." He said in a bored voice. 

"Like you mean it Ronald! I will sit here until you make a sincere apology!" I said while starting to get comfortable because I knew I would be here for a while. Ron sighed. 

"Look, Harry, I'm sorry I called you selfish you're not, I know you didn't enter your name in the cup on purpose, I just accused you because I felt betrayed. I know you hate fame and wouldn't want more than you already have. I didn't mean it when I said that you just wanted attention, or that I didn't care about you. Your my best friend Harry, and we have been since first year ever since I met you on the train. I know I haven't been a good friend to you lately, and haven't been there for you like I should have, and I regret it. I never meant for it to be like this mate, I'm really sorry." Ron said looking down a little like he was about to cry. 

"It's okay mate, We all make mistakes. Nobody's perfect, even me. I forgive you Ron, we've all been through so much together, You, me, Hermione, and I'm not letting it stop us now." Harry said putting a hand on Ron's shoulder. Ron then looked up at Fred. 

"Fred..... I'm sorry too. I didn't mean any of it. I guess I was just jealous that you asked Hermione to the Yule ball before I could. I thought you were just playing with her as a joke, I didn't want her to get hurt, especially by you. I know you can't back out, and it's too late. I only said that because I was mad. I was scared. You're my big brother, I don't want anything bad to happen to you. I don't hate you Fred, even with all your pranks and you being annoying and everything, you're a good brother. " I felt bad, I know Ron really didn't deserve to be forgiven, he was just scared for his brother. Scared for his best friend. 

"And Hermione." He said turning to me. "I know I said some pretty hurtful things to you. Which I am really sorry for. I know you hate choosing sides, and I'm extremely sorry I made you feel like you had to choose. I do need you Mione. Both me and Harry do, I know I said we didn't but we do. We would be lost without you. You keep this group together Mione. We wouldn't last one day without you. You mean everything to me, I never meant to hurt you. Please Forgive me." Ron said with tears stinging his eyes.

"It's okay Ron, I forgive you too. I just want everything to go back to the way it was. No more fighting. I miss us being the golden trio. We forgive you Ron, besides it's best not to dwell on mistakes. You always learn from them. Me and Harry gave Ron a huge hug. 

"I'm sorry." He whispered to us. 

"It's okay Ron." I told him. 

"I missed this." 

"Me too." Me and Harry said at the same time. All three of us smiled at each other. The golden trio was back! Fred pulled me aside with the best of his ability since he was still healing and Madame Pomfrey put his arm back in a sling since it was still healing and gave a crutch for his ankle since it was still sprained. She only allowed him to not use them for the second task and gave him a pain potion so he could do it. 

"Hey Hermione?" Fred asked me nervously. 

"Yes Fred?" What was he so nervous about? 

"I just........ I wanted to make this" Wait what? 

"What do you mean?" I asked him, but I think I already knew what he was talking about.

" I have fallen in love with you since the first day I met you, you are smart, caring, stubborn, beautiful, and so many things that I can't even begin to describe, Hermione Jean Granger...... Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked me hopefully. 

"YES!!!" I shouted. Fred smiled and twirled me around while I giggled. I've never been so happy! I Hermione Jean Granger was now dating Fred Weasley.


A/N: Hey guys! I had to get an IV at my MRI today and it hurt a LOT, my hand was even bleeding after they took it out.  I almost cried! Although I usually die when I stub my toe or get a papercut soooo. On the bright side, I got to watch Harry Potter while they were doing it so yay!!! If you have any suggestions please let me know! Anyways Love you all! 

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