Chapter Seventeen: Voldemorts Back?!

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A/N: Bonjour my friends! I was just trying a new intro today, I think maybe I'll stick to my original intro I usually do next time XD. Anyways so I'm starting this chapter from where I left you off on a cliffhanger because I'm evil like that. You're welcome :)



"Well Kids! Welcome to the Quidditch World Cup!" Mr. Weasley shouted to us over the loud talking everyone was doing around us. The sight was amazing! Flags were everywhere, people cheering, it truly was a sight to see!

"Keep up girls!" Mr. Weasley said to me and Ginny since we were in awe of what we saw and were being left behind. Me and Ginny looked at each other and laughed and ran to catch up with the others.

"Good Luck!" Mr. Diggory called out to us as he and Cedric parted ways from us.

"See you at the match!" Mr. Weasley said.

"See you at the match!" Mr. Diggory shouted back.

"Look!!" Ginny said giggling while pointing to something up ahead. I started giggling too when I saw what she was pointing at.

"Come on, Keep up girls!!!" Mr. Weasley told us once again. Up ahead I could see Harry and Ron excitedly looking around. Ron Was probably thinking about all the kinds of food he could eat here, as usual.

"See you later Cedric!" Somebody said. I couldn't really make out who it was above all the noise.

"Ah, Home sweet home." Mr. Weasley said as we started walking towards the tents. Everybody started to go inside the tent, honestly, the tent looked like the size of a mouse.

"Ah, excellent, excellent." Me and Ginny heard Mr. Weasley say as we ran off together somewhere into the tent.

"Girls, Choose a bunk and unpack." He said but me and Ginny just squealed with excitement.

"Ron, get out of the kitchen, we're all hungry." I heard him say. Of course Ron was in the kitchen. I rolled my eyes at the thought of Ron probably stuffing his face right now.

"Yeah get out of the kitchen Ron!!" The twins shouted. I snickered and started walking towards the couch.

"Feet off the table!" Mr. Weasley told the troublesome twins.

"Feet off the table! the Twins said back simultaneously and took their feet off the table only to put them right back up. I sat down and opened my book but only to notice that Harry was still standing at the front of the tent looking all around with excitement. "I love magic." I heard him say happily. I couldn't help but grin into my book at my best friend.

"Alright, kids! Time to go! Don't want to be late!" We heard someone shout. We all scurried out of the tent and started walking to see the Quidditch World Cup!

----------------------TIME SKIP-------------------- (A/N: Still Hermione's pov!)

The sight was amazing! I was absolutely stunned! I still couldn't believe that we ran into Malfoy. Ugh, why was he such a pain in the butt! There were people cheering everywhere! It was actually kinda loud. Balloons were flying up into the sky too. I couldn't even tell you how many!

"Come on now, take your seats!" I heard someone say, and we all sat down. "I told you these seats were worth waiting for!" They said again. I moved over to go sit with Fred since Ron and Harry were basically breathing down my neck! Thanks guys. I could actually feel my eyes roll to the back of my head because of how hard I eye-rolled. You wouldn't like it either if people were shouting right in your ear and breathing right down your neck. "Why hello love? And to what do I give the pleasure of you sitting next to me?" Fred smirked. (A/N: If that makes any sense??) "Eh no reason, just Harry and Ron being their usual selves." I shrugged. Suddenly a bunch of quidditch players flew right by our heads causing us to duck! "whoa!" George said.

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