Chapter Ten: Truth and Confessions

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A/N: Hey guys! I've literally been counting down the days of school left! AHHH so excited! Then I can full-time write for you guys! Thank you to all of those who have been reading my books! Here is chapter ten!!



After I came back with the drinks for me and Hermione, I couldn't find her anywhere! It was mainly empty except for a few people like Neville and my little sis Ginny. I could hear a lot of yelling from outside the ballroom and I walked towards it. I heard a pained voice say "Ron you spoiled everything!" I saw them collapse on the stairs and tears stream down their face. I slowly started to make my way over to them and noticed the figure looked familiar. They looked like Hermione. No, it WAS Hermione. Ugh what did my stupid dim-witted brother do this time!? I walked up to her and kneeled down to her and she looked me in the eyes I could see the hurt in her eyes. I could so kill Ron right now! Little brother or not, whatever he said to make Hermione cry must have been really mean. I placed my thumbs on her cheeks trying to gently wipe her tears away, but they wouldn't stop flowing. I moved to sit next to her and brought her into my chest and she just cried some more. I heard her whisper a sniffled sorry and pointing to my suit, but I could really care less. I just hugged her some more and eventually her crying slowed down. I released her to see that she was just staring off into space. 

"Hermione?" I said gently trying to get her to look at me. 

"Hm?" She replied looking down at the ground. 

"What did Ron do?" I asked her firmly. I was going to figure out what Ron did one way or another, whether I had a coax Hermione to tell me or beat Ron up until he spills. 

"Fred, why did you ask me to the dance?" Hermione whispered.

"Are you just using me? Was this all just some sort of prank? Everything? You would never want to willingly go to the ball with someone like me, I mean I'm a stuck-up know it all, who's stubborn, annoying, and a buzzkill. Besides I'm nothing compared to you." She said sadly looking at her hands now. Is that what she thought? That this was all a joke? That I was just playing with her feelings? Did Ron tell her that? He's got a lot of nerve I'll tell you that! I'll kill him. I'll kill him for saying that to Hermione. That I was just messing around thinking everything was a joke. But the thing was, I wasn't. 

"Hermione, I know I'm always playing pranks on people, that I'm never serious (A/N: Um duh that's because SIRIUS BLACK is!), I'm always joking around, and teasing people and everything, but I would never do that. That is just cruel. I would never use someone Mione, I'm not a bad person, you know that. This wasn't all a prank. All of this, everything. It wasn't. Hermione, I chose to go to the ball with you because I wanted to. Plus everything between us was just awkward after the first task and I wanted to fix it. I wanted to fix us. I didn't want us to be avoiding each other for the rest of our lives. There's nothing wrong with who you are Mione. You should be proud of who you are because you are one of the strongest girls I know, I know that you can handle yourself when you need to, you don't need anyone to look after you, you keep Ron and Harry together, you are the glue Hermione. If you weren't there, the trio would turn into a duo, and it would turn into a disaster and they would fall apart. They need you more than they think Hermione. You're not a stuck-up know it all, your just smart, and there's nothing wrong with being smart. Yes I will admit at some times you can be stubborn, but being stubborn isn't always a bad thing, sometimes it's a good thing, you keep them in their place. You're not a buzzkill, you just take pride in your work, you like to get things done and like to follow rules, but you also know when to have fun. Like tonight you had fun, right? You weren't a buzzkill, I had the time of my life with you. Yes, you may be a little bit of a bookworm but so what? Who says your not allowed to read. Reading is just like using your imagination, it takes you to another world, and sometimes it takes you away from your own. Don't compare yourself to me, because you are amazing Hermione. You don't have to be sorry for anything. Don't be afraid to be who you are. I'm sorry that my stupid brother is a jerk, you definitely didn't deserve that. He doesn't appreciate all that you do for him as much as he should. I know that I definitely appreciate you and your perfect just the way you are okay? Please stop crying Mione, I hate it when you cry." I told her. After this I'm going to go have a "friendly" chat with Ron. I hate him so much right now!

"Is that what you think? Was everything that you said true?" she said quietly starting to look up at me with hope in her eyes. I attempted to wipe away her tears again, but this time, no more came. 

"Every single word." I whispered to her looking her in the eyes. She started to smile a bit, which made me smile too, but I couldn't hold back anymore. I leaned forward and gently caressed her face, I then put my lips on hers, but then I realized my mistake. She wasn't kissing back, I'm pretty sure I just ruined our friendship. Again. (A/N: I wANNA RUiN OUr FriENDShIP wE ShIoULD bE LoVERS InSTeaD!). I started to pull back but I felt a pair of soft warm lips kiss me back. Wait she was kissing me back!? We broke apart and she looked into my eyes as if she was searching for an answer. 

"I think I have fallen in love with you Hermione Jean Granger. " I told her. She just smiled and what she said next surprised me. 

"Me too Fred Gideon Weasley." I wiggled my eyebrows which caused a fit of giggling from Hermione. I really did love this girl, and nothing was going to stop me from loving her.


A/N: Hey guys! It's FREEZING in my house! I feel like I'm living in an icebox! I feel like a popsicle! Although I really don't know why I'm eating ice cream if I'm cold? What I wrong with mee?! I will try and post another chapter today but I'm not sure cause I have a lot of schoolwork to get done and turned in since It is nearing the end of the school year! AHHH I'm getting so old! Anyways Love you, have an amazing day and don't forget to smilee!

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