Chapter Two: The What?

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A/n: Hey guys it's me again! I hope you all are having a great day and yes I know it is a Monday, Mondays are the worst! I got bored and thought why not write another chapter? I have dance tonight so I'm not sure If I will get to update another chapter today, this is going to have a few different people's povs like Harry, maybe Fred, and possibly Cedric? Lol I don't know it's too early for me to think, So anyway without further ado here is chapter two!



"Hermione. Hermione wake up! You're gonna be late for class. If you don't wake up right now I'm going to leave your ass here and go to class without you!" Someone shook me aggressively while screaming right in my ear. I just ignored them, rolling over and going back to sleep. I was exhausted and was going to get as much sleep as I could get. 

"Mione get your ass up, come on!" They scolded as they ripped my blankets off the bed. I grumbled, sitting up shivering since someone stole my blanket. Who in their right mind would be up this early? It better be a good reason, otherwise, I'm going to be in a bad mood the rest of the day which isn't going to be pleasant. 

"Fine, fine I'm up." I mumbled looking up at whoever disturbed me from my slumber. Ginny, of course. I rubbed my eyes to try to wake myself up but clearly, I was having no avail. I sighed, collapsing on my bed sprawling out like a starfish. I did not want to get up, I could just lay here for eternity. 

"Mione if you don't get a move on you're going to miss breakfast and If you want food then you better hurry before Ron eats it all! You know how he loves bacon." Ginny huffed in annoyance, throwing my blankets over my head. 

"Ginny, why are you waking me up so early? What time is it even? Don't you know I was up all night doing Ron's homework at the library for two hours? I'm tired let me go back to sleep." I whined. Helping Ron with his potions homework was the last thing I wanted to spend my night doing. The whole time he kept asking me stupid questions, I swear if he asks me to help him again with his homework I'm going to smack him so hard he won't even live to see tomorrow. 

"Hermione, what are you talking about? We have almost ten minutes until potions and you're not even up yet. Professor Snape is going to kill you if you're late, did you want me to let you sleep in and miss class!?" Ginny stated, fed up with my lack of being able to understand a single word that she was saying since I'm pretty much half asleep. Hold up, did she just say I only have ten minutes until class or was that just my groggy head that hasn't seemed to be functioning yet?

"What?! Ten minutes? That's barely enough time, I'm going to be so late!"  I shrieked,  immediately flinging off the blankets, jumping out of my bed, and running around the room like a crazy person trying to find my robes. 

"Yeah, you better hurry Mione you're going to be late. Now you have 7 minutes, quit your gibber jabbering and hurry up! I'm leaving for class now cause I definitely don't want to get yelled at by Snape, see ya." Ginny called out, already halfway out of the room. Lovely, now where in the name of Merlin did I put my robes? 

-------------------------------------- TIME SKIP----------------------------------------


I was currently eating lunch at the Gryffindor table in the great hall with Harry and a couple of other students. I was about to stick a piece of chicken in my mouth when I heard a big thump right next to me. I turned around to see Hermione, who looked grumpy as usual although today she looked extra tired. I wonder why. She was almost late to potions this morning which definitely wasn't like her at all. She was never late, she was usually the first one there, even Harry and I beat her to class. I wonder what's up? 

"Hey Mione." I said with a mouth full of food. Don't judge me, I'm starving. Harry gave me a look as if to say Hermione's gonna kill you for that you, know she hates it when you talk with food in your mouth. I just rolled my eyes, turning back to Hermione who seemed to be starting to doze off and about to fall face-first into a plate of mashed potatoes.

"Hermione." I called out to her to get her attention. She automatically shot up and looked around for a second confused, then turned her gaze upon me. Yikes, maybe making Hermione stay up all night helping me with my potions homework wasn't the best idea. Grumpy Hermione was definitely someone you never want to meet. She's scary sometimes.

"Hermione are you okay?" Harry asked confused at Hermione's odd behavior. To be honest I was a little confused too. What's gotten into her today? 

"I'm fi-" Hermione started to say but was automatically cut off by Dumbledore's voice booming over the Great Hall. I guess we'll have to continue this conversation later, I'm really worried about her. She's never gotten like this before. 

"Hello my fellow students! I'm glad to see that you all are doing okay this fine evening." I rolled my eyes. I disliked these little celebrations before the feast, they are always so long and unnecessary. 

"I have an exciting announcement for you all. You will be glad to know that here at Hogwarts we are now bringing back the Triwizard Cup Tournament! We will be having a championship between three schools of magic, The first one is the Beauxbatons, the second is Durmstrang, and last but not least is Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!" The Triwizard Cup Tournament? What the bloody hell is that? I'm pretty sure I've heard of it before, it sounds familiar. I think they used to have the competition but then they stopped doing it because it was too dangerous or something. 

"There is going to be one representative from each school that is going to be chosen by the goblet of fire. Students under the age of 16 are forbidden to enter!" Dumbledore stated causing the great hall to erupt in chaos. A bunch of students were screaming and yelling out about how stupid the age rule is. I could hear a lot of "That's rubbish!!" Through a crowd of students but all I could think of was what's going to happen now?


A/n: sorry guys, That was kind of a long chapter. Also, Fred and George can now enter! What's gonna happen now!?? I would love your feedback! I'm wondering if Fred and Cedric should be chosen and leave Harry out, although that would kinda ruin the whole plot of the movie, or have Fred and Harry be chosen and leave Cedric out, or have all three? That would definitely create some drama, Anyways Love you all! 

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