Chapter Five: Dragons and Kisses

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It's been a few weeks since the incident that happened with Ron. I've been avoiding him ever since then, although I feel bad that I had been avoiding Harry too. The first task is in a few hours and I'm extremely nervous, it's nerve-wracking to watch your best friend compete in a dangerous tournament that could kill them. I still don't understand how Harry got chosen, but I'm still going to support him no matter what. Ron still seems to be mad at Harry for the same stupid reason. He needs to stop throwing his tantrum and grow up. His best friend needs his support, everyone basically hates him since they think he's attention-seeking and just wants more fame.

I'm extremely worried for Fred too, ever since what Ron said to me, Fred and I have gotten a lot closer. Of course, I'm worried for Cedric too, I'm rooting for all of them. I just hope nothing disastrous happens. Harry found out from Hagrid that the first task was dragons which made my stomach churn. Was this even safe? I made my way over to where the champions tent was and called out Harry's name in hopes he would hear me. I wanted to wish him good luck before it was his turn, and Fred's too. I was about to call out Harry's name again when I heard someone say my name, It sounded like Fred.


I was nervous, beyond nervous actually. I'm starting to regret my decision about ever wanting to enter in the first place. What the hell is wrong with me, why did I think that this would be fun? I began to pace around in the tent anxiously awaiting for was my turn. Harry told me, that Hagrid told him that the first task would be dragons, as in fire-breathing dragons. Who's stupid idea was it to bring this tournament back? Harry could tell I was freaking out, I guess he was terrified too based on the look on his face. I continued to pace around the tent when I heard Harry's name being called. Curiosity got the best of me as I walked over to where the voice was coming from. It sounded like Hermione. What was she doing here? 

"Hermione?" I said curiously. I know she was expecting Harry but he was about to go on any minute.

"Yeah?" She sounded a little nervous. I mean I probably would be too if it was my best friend out there.

"Are you alright? What are you doing here?" By now I was dreading my turn. I really hope I don't get burnt to a crisp. 

"Shouldn't I be asking you if you're alright, it's almost your turn." 

"Hermione, what's wrong?" She was making me even more nervous than I already was. 

"I'm scared for you" She breathed quietly, then all of a sudden the curtain of the tent drew back and I felt a pair of arms wrap around me, pulling me in a tight hug. As soon as her arms wrapped around me, I hugged her back trying to hopefully calm both of our nerves, but then out of nowhere, I heard a camera flash and a bright light blind us both (A/N: OOOOO I'M BLINDED BY THE LIGHTS)

"Ahhhhh, Young love!" Ugh. It was that stupid Skeeter woman, I hate her with a passion. Hermione looked like she was about to kill her when Viktor Krum stepped forward, demanding that she leave, stating only friends and family were allowed. It was well deserved, she's always sticking her nose in other people's business. Just as the mosquito lady was leaving, Dumbledore walked into the tent, giving Hermione a questionable glance. 

"Miss Granger, what are you doing here?" 

"Oh, sorry professor I was just leaving" She replied before throwing me a look that said good luck, you better not die or else, then walked out, and I was left all alone. I soon heard my name over the loudspeakers and knew that it was my turn. Here I go. I gulp a big wad of air in hopes it would calm some of my nerves, sadly it didn't. I ended up choking and let me just say it was pretty embarrassing. We are definitely never going to talk about that again, ever. 


(A/N: This is Hermione's pov after the whole tent scene and watches Harry do his first task, and thennnnnn after that Fred goes on. Just to clarify if you were confused)

After Dumbledore shooed me away, I hurried over to the stands and stood next to Luna to cheer Harry on, and not a moment later Harry came out and began to fight the dragon. I was getting really nervous. For both Harry: who was out there trying his best to not get burnt to a crisp, and for Fred since It was almost time for him to go on too. I shouted at Harry to use his wand against the dragon and all of a sudden his broom came flying out of nowhere. He started flying into the air, but then that's when everything turned into chaos. The dragon broke free and started flying after Harry, to which Harry just flew up higher and higher into the sky and  (A/N: I'M LIKE A BIRD I WANNA FLY AWAY)  I could no longer see him anymore. 

This was a disaster, the crowd anxiously awaited for Harry to fly back down but he didn't. I started to get worried. What happens if the dragon killed him? What if it burned him down to the bone? Then all of a sudden a whoosh from the sky knocked me out of  my thoughts and I saw Harry! He zoomed past us and flew to the egg, trying to race the dragon that was right on his tail, and with one swift movement, Harry captured the golden egg.

"YES!!" I cheered. He did it! He really did it! My excitement was soon interupted when I heard a name from the speakers and Immediately I felt sick to my stomach. I was happy that Harry had made it out alive, it had been a really close one but there was still one more person left, and it had been the one I had been dreading the most. Fred. 

--------------------------TIME SKIP-------------------------


AHH! DUCK!! DUCK!!  I screamed to myself as the dragon's tail tried to whip me in the face. Phew, that would have hurt if It got me. Then all of a sudden everything went in slow motion, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, like a punch in the gut. I flew backward and hit the ground with a thud. I could hear some screaming but it was faint-like. Was I dead? No, I can't be, can I? I got up and brushed myself off but then felt something warm and sticky drip down the side of my face. I brought a hand up to my head and saw that it was blood. I won't let it stop me. I have to do this, (A/N: I Have to do this, I have to kill you) I had to keep fighting. Besides, you can't kill me that easily.

 I smirked to myself and called out a couple of spells to distract the dragon and before I knew it, I got gotten the golden egg. I had did it, I'm still alive! I threw my arm up in victory and soon I saw a short figure running towards me, their small pair of arms wrapping around me engulfing me into a huge hug. I immediately hugged them back, but then they retreated their arms and I suddenly felt a pair of soft, warm lips on mine. I started to kiss back, but then I only realized to find I was kissing HERMIONE GRANGER?!She pulled back immediately after she realized what she had done, obviously embarrassed by her mistake, she whispered a quick sorry and ran back towards the castle. But what I'm mostly concerned about is what just happened?

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