Chapter Eighteen: Tradgeties and The Last Task Part 1

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A/N: Okay so for some reason, this video made me cry a river. Anyone else realllyyy want to go to Hogwarts but know you never will because it's only fictional. I would absolutely love to have a friendship like Ron, Harry, and Hermione do. I would literally give up everything just to go🥺.  So anyways this is going to be the LAST chapter! But I am turning into TWO chapters  I hope you guys enjoy it, I have enjoyed writing for you guys! Also OH MY GOODNESS!!! My book has over 1k reads!! Thank you guys so much I love you all!



I still couldn't believe that Voldemort was back. Honestly, just the thought gave me chills. I was completely nervous. Today was the last task, and I'm not going to lie and say I wasn't the least bit scared, I was absolutely terrified. I have a bad feeling about this. Ron and I were sitting together in the stands with hundreds of other people. I was getting really anxious. I'm guessing the crowd was too based on all the cheering that was being made. There was even music playing too! Then suddenly Amos Diggory came running out, and not a second later Cedric came walking out too. Then Fleur came walking out and all the girls from her school starting doing some sort of dance that kinda looked like a muggle dance called the macarena. The weird thing was that I even saw Malfoy cheering. OF ALL PEOPLE! Then Krum started walking out followed by his professor and Professor Dumbledore. Soon after Dumbledore, I saw both Harry and Fred. They both looked a little nervous. I wouldn't blame them. I would be too, this is even terrifying me! And I only have to watch! I watched as Dumbledore went up to the podium and silenced everyone. "Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Triwizard Cup deep within the maze. Only he knows its exact position." His voice boomed. "Now as Mr. Diggory-" Professor Dumbledore started but was cut off by people cheering. "And Mr. Potter-" He started again but was cut off once again by everyone rooting for Harry cheering and clapping. Ron and I both stood up and yelled and cheered for him.  "Tied for first position, they will be the first to enter the maze, followed by Mr. Weasley, Mr. Krum, and Miss Delacour." He finished as tons of people were cheering for Viktor and Fleur. " First person to touch the cup, will be the winner." Then the crowd exploded with cheers. Honestly, I really wished that they would start already. I'm usually not an impatient person but this is taking forever. I looked over at Fred who so happened to already be looking in my direction. I smiled at him and gave him a thumbs-up since there was really nothing else I could do. He smiled back and then winked at me. I playfully rolled my eyes at him. How could he seriously be like this when he is about to go in that deathly looking maze! "I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter. Should at any point, a constant wish to withdraw from the task, he or she need only send up red sparks with their wand. Contestants! Gather round. Quickly!" He said as they all started walking to him. Fred and I broke our gaze and he gave me one last reassuring smile, before walking over to Dumbledore. 


I smiled at Hermione one last time before going over to Dumbledore. She looked really nervous. Poor Mione. I tried my best to reassure her nerves before I went into the maze but I wasn't so sure if I could even calm my own nerves down! We all huddled around Dumbledore before we went into the maze. Harry was looking a little sickly.  "In the maze, you'll find no dragons or creatures of the deep. Instead, you'll face something even more challenging. You see, people changing in the maze. Oh, find the cup if you can, but be very wary, you could just lose yourself along the way." I turned and looked at Harry. I could see a little bit of fear in his eyes. I wouldn't be surprised if mine had some too. Underneath all my joking around and goofiness, I was terrified. "Champions! Prepare yourselves!" Professor Dumbledore said breaking away from the little huddle. We all got into our starting positions. I looked up to see Hermione and Ronniekins cheering for us. I can do this. No, I WAS going to do this. And so was Harry. I turned to Harry and Gave him a reassuring smile. I then heard Mr. Diggory whispering to his son. "Cedric, Good luck." He said and I saw him give him a hug. "My boy." I heard him say. I wish Dad was here to see this. Mum would probably be freaking out right now. " See you later dad." Cedric said before getting into his starter position. "On the count of three." Dumbledores voice boomed. "One- " He started to say but was cut off by Filtch firing the cannon. Seriously. I'm pretty sure even Ron could get the correct count. Or even miss Noris. I tried to hold back from laughing, but I accidentally let out a snicker. I even think Flinch glared at me. Oops? (A/N: Really Filtch, you get a 0/10 for firing that cannon, you literally went on one! He said three! How do you even get that wrong!? Even miss Noris could do that! lol, Dumbledore was like I should've hired a professional.)

Dumbledore looked a little irritated that he didn't get to finish. None the less we all went into the maze. As soon as I entered I felt the walls close behind me. Well that's not completely reassuring, is it? I took a deep breath and went farther into the maze. The walls were really thin, not to mention all the fog. At this rate, I'm going to need glasses, like Harry or something. 

---------------TIME SKIP---------------

(A/N: Not very long, still Fred's POV I'm just too lazy to write all the stuff in-between.)

I've been walking for a while and it seemed like every path I took was a dead end! Ugh this felt impossible. I really wish I could pull a prank right now, or be with George, or even Ron for that matter. I would take anything over this! Suddenly I heard a girls scream. It sounded like Fleurs. Well duh. I really want to facepalm myself right now. Fleur is the only girl in the maze. Gosh, I feel like this maze is making me stupid. I glared at the wall for no apparent reason hoping it would move. Nope, still there. I crossed my arms and scrunched up my face while trying to come up with an idea or something. Now what? I suddenly saw a flash of red light shooting out of the sky. Wait. Did that mean someone was out of the competition? 


A/N: Heya I'm done writing for now. My back reallyyy hurts 😑. Ahhh one more chapter left! So excited! End of the last chapter part one! I feel very accomplished! Goodnight! 

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